Free Download FacetWP v4.2.12 Free Download + Addons


FacetWP, a popular one WordPress Plugin for creating advanced search filters and faceted navigation, has received a number of updates between versions 4.2.6 and 4.2.12. Although these updates may seem minor at first glance, they focus on improving user experience, functionality and compatibility.

Improved user experience (v4.2.8, v4.2.9, v4.2.11, v4.2.12):

  • Improved date range facet: Refined the date range facet to hide when no data is available, show a placeholder for disabled data, and fix typos that caused malfunctions (v4.2.11, v4.2.12).
  • SearchWP integration: Compatibility improvements ensure FacetWP works seamlessly with the SearchWP plugin for advanced search functionality (v4.2.9, v4.2.8).
  • Accessibility (v4.2.6): Improved accessibility by adding a aria-label Add attribute to number range facets to improve compatibility with screen readers.
  • User Selection Visibility (v4.2.9): The User Selection pane is now hidden when empty, providing a cleaner UI.
  • Multi-site debugging (v4.2.12): Debugging multi-site WordPress installations is now more efficient.
  • RTL support (v4.2.12): Style optimizations have been made to the Slider facet to ensure proper functionality on websites with right-to-left language layouts.

Bug fixes and technical improvements (v4.2.6 – v4.2.12):

  • ACF compatibility (v4.2.8): Fixed an issue that prevented labels for ACF button_group fields from appearing within facets.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1 and WordPress 6.4 (v4.2.7): Fixed PHP notifications firing on servers running PHP 8.1 or WordPress 6.4 and later.
  • Search Facet Short Circuit (v4.2.9): Improved performance by preventing unnecessary SearchWP queries when the search term is empty and a search facet is used.
  • Various fixes (v4.2.6 – v4.2.12): The developers have fixed various minor bugs, including issues with pre-installed choices, JS errors, reserved word handling for facet names, and Cloudflare compatibility.

In total, FacetWP’s updates demonstrate its commitment to providing a reliable and easy-to-use faceted search experience. By fixing bugs, improving compatibility, and improving the user interface, FacetWP enables website owners to create more refined search experiences that allow visitors to easily filter and navigate content.

FacetWP is a groundbreaking WordPress plugin designed to improve website functionality through advanced filtering and faceted search features. FacetWP set to zero is an ideal tool for website owners who want to improve user experience by providing efficient, fast and intuitive search options.

Introduction: Revolutionizing Website Search with FacetWP

FacetWP introduces a new level of search and filtering efficiency for WordPress sites. Whether it’s eCommerce stores, recipe blogs, real estate listings, or other content-rich websites, this plugin optimizes the way users interact with content, resulting in a more satisfying and productive browsing experience.

Overview: Improving user experience with intelligent filtering

FacetWP is tailored to the needs of modern websites that prioritize content accessibility and user engagement. It leverages the site’s existing data structure, including post types, custom fields, and taxonomies, to create a seamless and integrated search experience. The plugin’s ability to work on existing archive pages and its compatibility with most deleted WordPress themes make it a versatile solution for any website.

Features: A range of advanced features

  • Intelligent filtering: FacetWP improves the user experience by only displaying relevant search options, resulting in faster and more accurate results.
  • Instant filtering: The plugin allows for instant filtering without page refreshes and uses an index table for added speed.
  • Compatibility and integration: Works effortlessly with most WordPress themes and can be added anywhere on the site using WP’s block editor, shortcodes or PHP.
  • Different facet types: Offers a variety of facet types including checkboxes, dropdowns, date ranges, sliders, pagers, and geolocation proximity.
  • Developer friendly: Since numerous hooks are available, developers can customize the plugin to a great extent.
  • Lightweight and efficient: FacetWP is designed to be fast and efficient, ensuring a bloat-free codebase.
  • Excellent support: Detailed and up-to-date documentation coupled with built-in support make using FacetWP a hassle-free experience.

Applications: Versatile use in various industries

FacetWP is suitable for a range of applications, from online stores with extensive product catalogs to recipe sites, real estate listings, and other content-rich platforms. It improves website navigation and leads to better user engagement and satisfaction.

Conclusion: FacetWP – The Key to Improved Website Interaction and Efficiency

FacetWP stands out as a crucial tool for improving website functionality. By providing advanced filtering and search capabilities, it significantly improves the user experience on content-heavy websites. Its feature set, easy integration, and excellent support make it a valuable asset for website owners and developers. FacetWP free download goes beyond just a plugin; It is an essential component for creating intuitive, user-friendly and efficient websites in today’s digital landscape. Whether you manage an e-commerce platform, a real estate listings website, or a content-rich blog, FacetWP is designed to meet and exceed your search and filtering needs, ensuring your website performs in terms of user engagement and satisfaction stays at the top.



March 12, 2024
ImprovedDate range - hide date range when no dates are available
ImprovedDate range - add placeholder for disabled dates
ImprovedBetter Multi-site debugging
ImprovedMisc styling tweaks and Slider facet styling for RTL support
ImprovedBetter ACF checks to ensure that fields still exist
FixedChange date defaults from 0 to empty string
FixedEnsure that Pager facet's scroll offset is an integer


January 22, 2024
FixedAnother Date Range typo (last one!)


January 18, 2024
FixedTypo causing Date Range facets to break


January 17, 2024
ImprovedGoogle maps - added sessionTokens to (hopefully) reduce the number of API calls
ImprovedAdded "indexable cpts" to the debug info for easier troubleshooting
FixedSome PHP8 deprecation notices
FixedHide the "user selections" area when empty
FixedQuery detection issue involving SearchWP
Fixed Added more reserved words for facet/listing names (automatically prefixed with underscore)


December 1, 2023
FixedACF "button_group" fields can now have labels too
FixedQuery detection issue with SearchWP active


November 8, 2023
FixedMysqli notice for sites on WP 6.4+
FixedCtype_digit() notice for sites on PHP 8.1+


October 31, 2023
ImprovedShort-circuit SearchWP when "s" is empty and a search facet is in use
ImprovedA11y - added `aria-label` attribute for number range facets
FixedPreloaded selections now appear in the "User Selections" box
FixedJS error upon reset click for non-existant facets
FixedSupport - replace ".php" in plugin names to prevent Cloudflare from going haywire


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