Free Download WooCommerce Brands Premium v1.6.65 Nulled


WooCommerce Brands Premium, a plugin to improve brand management in your business WooCommerce Store, has received a number of updates between versions 1.6.61 and 1.6.65. The focus of these updates is to maintain compatibility with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions, fix potential coding issues, and incorporate minor improvements.

Keeping up with the ecosystem (v1.6.61 – v1.6.65):

  • WordPress and WooCommerce Compatibility: The updates ensure smooth operation with the latest versions of WordPress (up to 6.5) and WooCommerce (up to 8.7). This is crucial for maintaining the security and functionality of your online store.
  • WC 8.x compatibility (v1.6.63, v1.6.64): Specific mentions of compatibility with WC 8.5, WC 8.6 and WC 8.7 indicate that the plugin remains current with WooCommerce’s evolving feature set.
  • Minimum WC version requirement (v1.6.63, v1.6.64): The minimum WooCommerce required version has been increased to 6.0 (v1.6.64) to potentially provide access to advanced features and bug fixes offered in newer WooCommerce versions.

Technical improvements (v1.6.61, v1.6.62):

  • PHP deprecation fix (v1.6.65): Fixed a potential coding issue related to deprecated PHP syntax.
  • Unit Test Framework Update (v1.6.62): The plugin’s unit testing framework has been migrated from PHPUnit to Pest, a potentially more modern and efficient testing solution.
  • Documentation update (v1.6.62): The plugin’s documentation has been updated to reflect the new domain name.
  • API request warning (v1.6.62): A notice or warning about using an array of IDs in API requests could be related to improved security or data processing efficiency.
  • Compatibility with the new product editor (v1.6.61): The plugin has been declared compatible with the new product editor introduced in WooCommerce, ensuring a smooth user experience when managing brands in the product creation process.

In total, WooCommerce Brands Premium updates focus on maintaining compatibility with the ever-evolving WordPress and WooCommerce ecosystem. By fixing potential coding issues, implementing technical improvements, and adapting to new features, WooCommerce Brands Premium strives to provide a reliable solution for managing brands on your WooCommerce store.

The world of e-commerce is not just about selling products; It’s about selling an experience, a story and a brand. When consumers shop, they often gravitate toward brands that align with their values, lifestyles, and preferences. Realizing the immense power of branding in online retail, WooCommerce presents its robust solution – WooCommerce brands set to zero. Let’s explore this remarkable tool and find out how it can transform your eCommerce journey.

Overview: Branding – at the forefront of e-commerce

Branding has always been a cornerstone in retail. However, in the e-commerce space, where there is no direct physical interaction, branding takes on even greater importance. It helps bridge the gap between businesses and consumers and provides a sense of familiarity and trust.

WooCommerce Brands uses exactly this essence of branding. An extension for WooCommerce, it is designed to help store owners seamlessly integrate, manage and showcase brands on their platform, improving the experience of both the merchant and the customer.

Key Features: WooCommerce Brand Immersion

Brand taxonomies

With WooCommerce Brands Free DownloadCreate a dedicated space for brands on your platform. Create brand taxonomies similar to how you would create categories, ensuring organized and optimized brand lists.

Branded product archives

Offer your customers a holistic view of products from specific brands. This feature helps create brand-specific pages so that users can only browse products from their preferred brands.

Branded thumbnail widget

Visuals can significantly increase brand awareness. Use the brand thumbnail widget to showcase brand logos for faster brand identification and navigation.

Brand list shortcodes

Would you like to integrate a branded entry into a post or page? WooCommerce Brands offers shortcodes that allow seamless insertion of brand listings wherever you see fit.

Brand filter widget

Improve user navigation with this feature. By integrating the brand filter widget, users can filter products based on their preferred brands, refining their search and shopping experience.

AZ Brand Listing

Organize and showcase brands systematically with the AZ listing feature. This is particularly beneficial for platforms with numerous brands and ensures that users can easily find the brand they are looking for.

Dedicated brand tabs

Beyond simply showcasing products, provide users with comprehensive insights into the brand’s history, ethos, and more with dedicated brand tabs. It is an excellent tool for building brand engagement and loyalty.

Assign multiple brands

For products that resonate with more than one brand or are part of collaborations, WooCommerce Brands offers the flexibility to assign multiple brands to ensure accurate representation.

Conclusion: WooCommerce brands – an essential asset for eCommerce success

Success in e-commerce is not just a factor of product quality or price competitiveness. It is the coming together of several elements, and branding is one of the most influential among them. A strong brand presence can increase loyalty, ensure repeat purchases and even command premium prices. And when it comes to enabling effective brand integration on an eCommerce platform, WooCommerce Brands proves to be a front runner.

What sets this extension apart is its comprehensive approach to brand management. This isn’t just about allowing you to integrate brands; This ensures that these brands are presented effectively, are easy to navigate, and provide users with a richer understanding and connection. Whether it’s visually appealing widgets, dedicated brand pages, or the ability to assign multiple brands, every feature of WooCommerce Brands is a testament to its commitment to providing an exceptional, brand-centric shopping experience.

Furthermore, when it comes to e-commerce platforms, it’s not just what’s on the inside that counts. The way products and brands are presented plays a crucial role in the purchase decision. WooCommerce Brands ensures that presentation is not an afterthought but a priority.

In the dynamic and often competitive world of online trading, any tool that gives you an advantage counts. WooCommerce Brands Free Download is not just a tool; It is a strategic ally that enables eCommerce platforms to harness the unprecedented power of branding. For those looking to increase the brand quotient of their eCommerce platform, integrating WooCommerce Brands is a decision you are unlikely to regret.


Version 1.6.65 RELEASED ON 2024-03-12

PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property.
WC 8.7 compatibility.
WP 6.5 compatibility.

2024-02-14 - version 1.6.64

* Tweak - Bump WC requires at least to 6.0.
* Tweak - WC 8.6 compatibility.

Version 1.6.63 RELEASED ON 2024-01-09

Changed minimum WC version to 5.0.
WC 8.5 compatibility.
WP 6.4 compatibility.

Version 1.6.62 RELEASED ON 2023-11-07

Run unit tests using Pest instead of PHPUnit.
Doc - Use new domain.
Notice/warning for array of IDs in API requests.
WC 8.3 compatibility.
WP 6.4 compatibility.

Version 1.6.61 RELEASED ON 2023-10-24

Declare plugin as compatible with new product editor.


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