Free Download (v1.0.5) WooCommerce Shipping Calculator Free Download [Barn2 Media]


WooCommerce Shipping Calculator, a plugin to improve the WooCommerce The checkout experience has seen a number of updates between versions 1.0.1 and 1.0.5. Although these updates may seem minor at first glance, they focus on improving functionality, compatibility and branding.

Improved functionality and user experience (v1.0.1):

  • Troubleshooting: Fixed issues that caused the calculator to not display anything if no shipping zones were defined and fixed a malfunction with the Ajax shipping calculator (v1.0.1).

Development and Compatibility (v1.0.2 – v1.0.3, v1.0.5):

  • Internal library updates: Consistent updates to the internal libraries ensure smooth operation and possible bug fixes (v1.0.2, v1.0.3, v1.0.5).
  • Compatibility test: The plugin has been thoroughly tested for compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress (up to 6.3.2) and WooCommerce (up to 8.2.1) (v1.0.3, v1.0.5).

Branding and licensing updates (v1.0.4, v1.0.5):

  • New name and brand: The plugin has been renamed to “Shipping Calculator for WooCommerce” and the branding has been updated to Kestrel (v1.0.4).
  • License update: The licensing system has been updated to better support Barn2 customers (v1.0.5).

In total, The WooCommerce Shipping Calculator updates demonstrate our commitment to providing reliable and easy-to-use shipping estimates. By fixing bugs, maintaining compatibility, and making branding changes, the plugin ensures a smooth checkout process for both store owners and customers.

Please note that this review summarizes a limited changelog and may not reflect all features of the WooCommerce Shipping Calculator. For a comprehensive understanding of the plugin’s features, it is recommended to explore the WooCommerce Shipping Calculator official documentation or website.

Understanding the intricacies of shipping costs can be one of the most complicated aspects of running an online store. It is important for customers to know how much they will pay for shipping before initiating the checkout process. The Barn2 Media’s WooCommerce shipping calculator set to zero is an inventive plugin that elegantly solves this problem by providing transparent shipping cost calculations on product pages.

The e-commerce landscape is highly competitive and shipping cost transparency can often be the deciding factor for consumers considering a purchase. A simple and proactive calculation of these costs can significantly improve the user experience. This is where the WooCommerce shipping calculator comes into play, providing an intuitive and easy-to-use interface right where it’s needed most.


The WooCommerce shipping calculator set to zero The plugin is designed to seamlessly integrate with a WooCommerce-based online store and offers a real-time shipping cost calculator. It allows customers to enter their location to get an accurate shipping quote without having to add products to the cart or go through the checkout process. This instant access to shipping information helps reduce cart abandonment and increases the likelihood of a completed sale.


  1. Real-time shipping costs: Customers receive shipping cost estimates based on their location immediately on the product page.
  2. Simple location entry: The plugin provides customers with a user-friendly interface to enter their shipping location, improving the overall usability of the website.
  3. Flexible placement: Store owners can place the calculator on product pages, product tabs, or anywhere on their website using a shortcode.
  4. Shipping method compatibility: It works with various shipping methods and rates, including flat, free, and live carrier rates.
  5. Dynamic Updates: As customers update their location or change product quantities, the shipping calculator dynamically updates costs.
  6. Customizable Appearance: The calculator’s appearance can be customized to match the store’s theme to ensure a consistent brand experience.
  7. Geolocation support: By using geolocation, the plugin can automatically estimate shipping by recognizing the customer’s IP address.
  8. Ajax powered: The calculator updates shipping costs without having to reload the entire page, giving the user a smoother experience.
  9. Multiple Currency Support: It supports multiple currencies, a boon for stores that serve international customers.
  10. Mobile responsiveness: The fully responsive design ensures that the calculator is functional and visually appealing on all devices.
  11. WPML and multilingual compatibility: The plugin supports the WPML translation plugin and is therefore adaptable for multilingual shops.
  12. Integration with existing shipping zones: It respects the WooCommerce shipping zones and methods already set up and maintains the store’s current logistics workflow.
  13. Custom messages and tooltips: Shop owners can set custom messages for different scenarios, such as when shipping is unavailable, or add tooltips to explain shipping conditions.
  14. Caching for speed: Implements caching to save shipping costs, reducing load times and improving performance.
  15. No shortcode hassle: In addition to using shortcodes, the plugin can be automatically added to all product pages, reducing setup time.
  16. Easy to set up and manage: Intuitive backend settings allow for quick installation and configuration without requiring developer knowledge.
  17. Developer friendly: Developers can further customize the plugin via hooks and filters if advanced customization is required.

The WooCommerce shipping calculator free download is more than just a plugin; It is a strategic tool to improve the e-commerce experience. By providing a transparent and easily accessible way for customers to calculate shipping costs, it helps reduce uncertainty and friction in the purchasing process. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction, lower cart abandonment rates, and an increase in overall sales.

In the huge mass of online stores, those that meet customers’ needs for information and simplicity will stand out. The WooCommerce Shipping Calculator is an important addition for any WooCommerce store that wants to provide great customer service and streamline the purchasing process. It’s a straightforward solution that addresses a complex e-commerce challenge, combining both functionality and usability. By using this plugin, store owners can offer their customers a clear and convenient path from browsing to purchase, resulting in a better shopping experience for everyone involved.

WooCommerce shipping calculator changelog

1.0.5 - 2024-03-12

MISCUpdate licensing to support Barn2 customers

1.0.4 - 2024-02-29

MISCRename to Shipping Calculator for WooCommerce and update brand to Kestrel

1.0.3 - 2023-11-01

DEVUpdated internal libraries and main class
DEVTested up to WordPress 6.3.2 and WooCommerce 8.2.1

1.0.2 - 2023-10-05

DEVUpdate internal libraries
DEVTested up to WordPress 6.3.1 and WooCommerce 8.1.1

1.0.1 - 2023-07-27

FIXShow nothing when there is no shipping zones
FIXAjax shipping calculator stops working when add to cart ajax on archives is not enabled
DEVUpdate to the webpack 2.0.0 configuration
DEVUpdate to the composer version of Barn2 Lib
DEVTested up to WooCommerce 7.9.0


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