Free Download Wavy (v1.8.0) Modern & Lightweight Blog for WordPress Free Download


Wavy, modern and light WordPress Known for its clean design and fast loading times, the blog theme has seen numerous updates between versions 1.1.0 and 1.8.0. Let’s take a look at the key improvements that improve functionality, user experience and design options for Blogger:

Improved functionality and user experience (v1.1.0 – v1.8.0):

  • Troubleshooting: The developers have fixed various bugs reported by users, including issues with comments, mobile responsiveness, stuck logos, sliders, lazy loading, and the header notice (all versions).
  • Performance optimization: Improvements have been made to loading sliders, carousels and posts, potentially resulting in faster loading times (v1.1.0, v1.8.0).
  • Improved Mobile Experience: The theme’s mobile responsiveness has been improved, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience for readers on smartphones and tablets (v1.1.0, v1.5.0, v1.8.0).
  • RTL support (v1.5.0): Wavy now offers right-to-left language support, targeting a broader global audience.
  • Improved social sharing: The theme now allows you to add unlimited social media profiles for yourself and your authors, making it easier for readers to connect with you on different platforms (v1.5.0, v1.8.0).
  • New features (v1.5.0, v1.8.0):
    • View counter: Track how often your posts are viewed to gain insights into your audience engagement (v1.8.0).
    • Breadcrumbs: Improved navigation with breadcrumbs, compatible with popular SEO plugins such as Yoast, Rank Math and Navxt (v1.8.0).
    • Customizable slogan: Add a tagline to your classic header for a more personal touch (v1.8.0).
    • Subscribe to widget image: The Subscription widget now allows you to upload a custom image, potentially increasing subscriber conversion (v1.8.0).
    • Back to top button (mobile): On mobile devices, a handy Back to Top button appears after scrolling, allowing readers to easily return to the top of your content (version 1.8.0).

Design flexibility (v1.2.0, v1.8.0):

  • Font and color controls: Improved font and color controls provide a more consistent and customizable design experience (v1.2.0).
  • Wave decoration option: You can now remove wave decorations on main titles for a cleaner look (v1.2.0).
  • New languages: Dutch and German language support has been added (v1.2.0).

In total, Wavy’s updates demonstrate its commitment to providing bloggers with a feature-rich, easy-to-use, and customizable theme. By fixing bugs, optimizing performance, adding new features, and improving design options, Wavy allows you to create a beautiful and engaging blog that keeps your readers coming back for more.

The Wavy Modern & Lightweight Blog for WordPress free download The theme created by EstudioPatagon not only keeps up with the latest trends but resonates with modernity, making it an ideal choice for a variety of blogs and websites.

Speed: The need for speed One of Wavy’s standout features is its unwavering focus on speed. In an age where users demand instant gratification, a fast-loading website is non-negotiable. Optimized for fast loading times, Wavy ensures your audience experiences fast and seamless navigation. This commitment to speed not only improves the user experience but also contributes to better search engine rankings.

Vibrant Colors: A Visual Feast Wavy doesn’t shy away from bright and vibrant colors. The theme encompasses a palette that adds energy and excitement to your content. Whether you run a personal blog, delve into technology discussions, explore the realms of artificial intelligence, delve into the world of comics and anime, or share your life journey in a biography blog, Wavy’s vibrant colors provide a visually appealing backdrop for Your blog stories.

Unique animations: bring content to life Animations can bring your website to life and create a memorable and engaging user experience. Wavy Modern & Lightweight Blog for WordPress contains unique animations that add a touch of sophistication to your content. These subtle but effective animations add a dynamic and interactive feel, making your blog posts and pages even more engaging.

Versatility in all niches One of Wavy’s strengths is its adaptability to different niches. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast sharing tutorials, a storyteller writing a personal blog, or an anime fan curating content, Wavy free download provides a versatile canvas for your ideas. Due to its flexibility, it is equally suitable for programming websites, where the integrated syntax highlighter is a valuable asset.

Optimized for user-friendly experience Wavy was designed specifically for the user. The intuitive layout and navigation ensure visitors can easily explore your content without getting lost in the clutter. The theme’s user-friendly approach extends to all devices, making it responsive and accessible whether your audience uses desktops, tablets, or smartphones.

Wavy Nulled is characterized by a modern and feature-rich device WordPress Theme tailored to the different needs of bloggers and content creators. From its emphasis on speed and vibrant colors to unique animations and versatility across all niches, Wavy is a reliable companion for anyone looking to make a lasting impression in the ever-evolving blogosphere.


v1.8.0 - 13 March 2024

Fixed: Close button for header notice do not appear.
Fixed: Multiple alignments for RTL version.
Fixed: Minor jQuery warning.
Fixed: Lazy Load script not found when Optimization is "OFF".
Improved: Now Subscribe widget allow to upload media images.
Improved: How Wavy Functions is being loaded.
Improved: Now back to top appear after scrolling some content (on mobile devices).
Added: Views Counter.
Added: New Tagline option for Classic header on Theme options -> header.
Added: Breadcrumbs, compatibility with Yoast, Rank Math and Navxt plugins.
Added: Unlimited Social Profiles to individual authors.

v1.5.0 - 30 January 2024

Fixed: 404 page footer border.
Fixed: Duplicated sticky logo on mobile devices and classic header.
Fixed: Sticky logo not assigned properly.
Fixed: Close button do not appear on Header Notice.
Fixed: Incorrect alignment when sidebar is activated on mobile devices.
Fixed: Incorrect height for gallery and video post formats on mobile devices.
Improved: Now current active link will be applied on mobile menu.
Added: Unlimited Social Profiles on Theme Options -> Social Networks.
Added: Editable title for Posts Carousel module.
Added: RTL support.

v1.2.0 - 02 January 2024

Fixed: Some fonts are not applied properly on the front-end.
Fixed: Background color not working properly if wave color change.
Fixed: Background images and pattern not applied properly.
Fixed: Syntax Highlighter on Fluid ADS widget.
Improved: Alignment for header subscribe button.
Improved: Gradient buttons background.
Added: New option to remove wave decorations on main titles.
Added: Dutch language, special thanks to Sjoerd.
Added: German language, special thanks to Markus.

v1.1.0 - 18 December 2023

Fixed: Repeated avatar on comments area.
Fixed: Incorrect size for Sticky Text Logo on mobile devices.
Fixed: Enlarge image (WP 6.4) not working properly when Lazy load is enabled.
Improved: How Sliders and Carousels are loaded.
Improved: Posts Slider layout on mobile devices.
Improved: Maximum size on Fullwidth pages.
Improved: Lazy load on Post content.

v1.0.0 - 15 December 2023

Initial Release


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