Free Download v5.3.2 Ultimate GDPR & CCPA Compliance Toolkit for WordPress Free Download


The Ultimate GDPR & CCPA Compliance Toolkit for WordPress (versions 3.1 – 5.3.2) appears to be a comprehensive plugin designed to help website owners comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. This review analyzes the provided changelog to understand the key updates.

Focus on GDPR and CCPA compliance (multiple versions):

  • The plugin regularly introduces features and updates related to GDPR and CCPA compliance:
    • Support for Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2.2 (version 5.0).
    • Option to minimize TCF popup, translations for TCF modal (Estonian, Portuguese), WPML support, option to disable for crawlers (version 5.3.2).
    • Download the cookie consent protocol for TCF Modal, option to change theme color (version 5.3.1).
    • Improved popup UI for TCF choices, ability to store user consents in a separate database table (version 5.2).
    • Secure Flags status for cookies, Google Consent Mode features (version 5.2).

Regular feature enhancements and bug fixes (multiple versions):

  • The changelog highlights the commitment to improvements through frequent updates including:
    • New features such as the option to reset cookie consent on each visit (version 3.2), integration with GTM and Google Consent Mode, MetForms plugin (version 4.4).
    • Bug fixes related to button display, cookie scanner layout, translations, compatibility with various themes and plugins (multiple versions).
    • Performance optimizations, improved design and mobile responsiveness (version 5.3.1).
    • Support for Google Analytics 4 and Google Consent Mode v.2 (version 5.3).
    • New installation wizard for easier setup (version 4.0).

Other considerations:

  • The changelog shows that the plugin is actively maintained and updated regularly.
  • Consider user reviews and explore the official documentation to get a more detailed understanding of the plugin’s functionalities and configuration options (there may be free or premium versions).

Ultimate GDPR compliance toolkit for WordPress is equipped with an innovative cookie scanner so you can find out which cookies your website uses and learn more about these cookies in detail. Our cookie scanner detects every cookie added to your website by plugins and scripts, including Google Analytics and Facebook, and creates a convenient list in your admin panel. With a simple dedicated shortcode you can display this list with the following details:

CCPA is a set of privacy and personal information laws implemented by the State of California. CCPA stands for California Consumer Privacy Act and will improve privacy and transparency to help protect consumer interests.

The CCPA focuses primarily on the privacy and data collection aspect. The law is similar to GDPR in many ways, making it easier for people who have implemented GDPR to get used to it. There are still some key differences between both policies, so it is important to study CCPA carefully and comply with its requirements even after you have completed the entire GDPR process.


5.3.2 (28.03.2024)

feature: option to minimize TCF popup on selected pages added;
feature: Estonian and Portugese translations added to TCF modal;
feature: WPML support added for TCF modal;
feature: option to disable TCF modal for crawlers added;
option to change the position of TCF trigger icon added;
optimization: H1 tags removed from TCF modal for better SEO optimization;
bugfix: [standard cookie popup] issue with analytics cookies blocking fixed

5.3.1 (15.03.2024)

feature: option to change motive color in TCF modal added;
feature: vendor descriptions now loaded on-demand for improved performance
feature: enhanced responsiveness and styling on mobile devices
feature: Consent Tracking: "Cookie preferences" consents are now captured in the database
feature: cookie consent log from TCF modal now can be downloaded;

5.3 (05.03.2024)

feature: translations for TCF popup added;
update: Google Analytics 4 support added;
update: Google Consent Mode v.2 added;
bugfix: issues with displaying 'Reject Cookies' button solved;
bugfix: issues with translations for individual cookies groups corrected;
bugfix: issue with displaying basic cookie bar solved;
bugfix: issue with downloading translation files fixed;

5.2 (20.12.2023)

feature: TCF vendor list is now updated automatically;
feature: TCF: user constents are stored in a separate db table;
feature: Google Consent mode features added for cookies management;
feature: Secure Flags status is now displayed for each cookie;
optimization: TCF choices popup UI is now improved;

5.1 (24.10.2023)

update: TCF popup styling improved;
fix: "Withdraw" button is now correctly displayed;
fix: TCF functionalities now works correctly with WordPress in root subdirectory;

5.0 (10.11.2023) TCF 2.2 MAJOR UPDATE

feature: TCF v2.2 (Transparency and Consent Framework) compliance features added;
feature: Ukrainian translations added;
update: ACF plugin updated to 6.2.0;
update: IP database for geolocation updated;
bugfix: Cookie scanner layout fixed;

4.4 (27.07.2023)

feature: Integration with GTM and Google Consent Mode added;
feature: Integration with MetForms plugin added;
fix: PHP 8.x warnings fixed;
fix: issues with WP functionalities on PHP 8.0 fixed;
update: ACF plugin updated to version 6.1.6;
update: IPs database for Geolocation updated;
update: Installation wizard is now opening upon plugin activation;

4.3 (27.04.2023)

fix: fixed warning in "Accept Privacy Policy" shortcode;
fix: fixed small compatibility issue with Avada theme in "Accept" shortcode;
update: ACF plugin updated to version 6.1.4

4.2 (20.03.2023)

feature: dates of next and last cookies scans now visible in admin panel,
feature: geolocation feature for EU improved,
bugfix: PHP errors and warnings fixed for installation wizard and cookie popup,

4.1 (02.03.2023)

optimization: improved WPML compatibility,
fix: Unsubscribe - target page in confirmation email updated,
fix: Forget me - target page in confirmation email updated,
fix: Trigger icon now showing after choosing 'Reject cookies',
fix: 'Accept' button for Privacy Policy fixed for mutlilingual website

4.0 (23.02.2023)

feature: New installation wizard added; you can now install the plugin and update the existing settings via graphical step-by-step creator,
optimization: autoload plugins libraries update

3.9 (3.11.2022)

feature: option to disable Google Fonts;

3.8 (05.10.2022)

feature: "Inject consent" option for 3rd party plugins added to settings export,
WordPress 6.0+ compatibility updates,

3.7 (30.08.2022)

fix: Cookie popup link shortcode fixed

3.6 (18.08.2022)

feature: Gutenberg compatibility for shortcodes added,
feature: SiteOrigin Page Builder compatibility added,
bugfix: meta tags structure fixed to allow Facebook sharing,
update: ACF plugin updated to 5.12.3

3.5 (24.05.2022)

feature: added new option in Advanced Cookies settings to block each cookie group individually;
feature: added set of options for website speed optimization;
feature: improved dashboard settings toggle off/on options;
optimization: predefined values are now set for lists of features in individual cookies groups;
bugfix: fixed cookie popup styling issues;
bugfix: fixed age verification redirection in popup;
bugfix: fixed universal outline issue for buttons;

3.4 (15.04.2022)

update: ACF plugin updated to 5.12.2 version,
update: updated Slovak translations,
update: additional optimizations for page speed implemented,
bugfix: fix for privacy policy accept button,
update: WPML compatibility improved

3.3 (16.12.2021)

update: bundled ACF Pro updated to secure 5.11.4 version;
feature: "accept" button can be automatically added to pages: Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions.
cookie scanner script optimized for antimalware software;

3.2 (04.11.2021)

feature: option to reset cookie consent with every user's visit;

3.1 (22.10.2021)

bugfix:age verification popup submit issues fixed for mobile and iOS devices;
feature: compatibility with Easy Forms for Mailchimp added,
feature: compatibility with Akismet Anti-Spam added,


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