Free Download v1.2.3 WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer Free Download


WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer, a plugin to personalize the page WooCommerce The Thank You Page provides a consistent stream of updates focused on maintaining compatibility, fixing bugs, and introducing minor features (versions – 1.2.3). This review will explore these updates and highlight the benefits they offer WooCommerce store owners.

Compatibility and security prioritization (multiple versions):

  • A key focus of all updates is to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WooCommerce (up to v8.6.0) and WordPress (up to v6.4) (multiple versions).
  • Security fixes are implemented in versions 1.1.2 and 1.0.8, demonstrating a commitment to protecting user data.

Improved user experience and customization (multiple versions):

  • Several updates aim to improve user experience and customization options:
    • Date format updates (v1.2.3): The plugin now reflects the date format selected in WooCommerce settings.
    • Shortcode additions (v1.1.1): Shortcodes to display full shipping and billing addresses provide more flexibility when designing the thank you page.
    • Multiple template support (v1.1.0): The ability to create multiple thank you page templates allows for targeted messages based on purchase details.
    • Responsive design fixes (v1.0.5): Issues with responsive layout on tablets and mobile phones will be resolved.

Fix functionality issues (multiple versions):

  • Bug fixes are implemented in various versions and solve issues such as:
    • Issues with coupon code generation (v1.2.2).
    • Incorrect Google delivery address display (v1.2.0).
    • Malfunctions in the voucher setting in the customizer (v1.1.0).
    • Issues with order preview in Customizer (v1.0.5).

Additional features and integrations (multiple versions):

  • Smaller features and integrations are being introduced including:
    • Compatibility with HPOS-WC plugin for point-of-sale integration (v1.2.0).
    • Support for the social media platform TikTok (v1.0.8).
    • Compatibility with popular multilingual plugins such as WPML and Polylang (v1.1.1).
    • Integration with WooCommerce Email Template Customizer plugin (v1.0.4.4).

Consideration of update history:

  • The frequent updates demonstrate commitment to maintaining compatibility, fixing bugs, and providing minor user experience improvements and customization options.

In total, WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer seems to be a valuable tool for WooCommerce Store owners who want to personalize the post-purchase experience. The updates focus on compatibility, security, and more control over the thank you page design. If you want to customize your WooCommerce thank you pages and improve the post-purchase experience for your customers, WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer is a candidate you should explore further.

WooCommerce thank you page customizer set to zero is an innovative plugin that transforms the post-purchase experience for customers on WooCommerce websites. By customizing the thank you page, companies can increase customer satisfaction, increase engagement and take advantage of additional marketing opportunities.

The thank you page that appears after a customer completes a purchase is an often overlooked aspect of the online shopping experience. However, it holds significant potential for customer loyalty and additional marketing. The WooCommerce thank you page customizer Nulled harnesses this potential and allows store owners to design a more impactful and personalized thank you page.

WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer Overview

This plugin is specifically designed to turn the default WooCommerce thank you page into a powerful post-purchase interaction tool. It offers a range of customization options, from design changes to adding useful information and marketing elements. This flexibility ensures that any business can create a thank you page that resonates with their brand and audience.

Features of WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer

  • Customizable layouts: Change the thank you page layout to match your brand’s style and customer expectations, improving overall aesthetics and functionality.
  • Upsell and cross-sell opportunities: Use the thank you page to introduce customers to additional products, encourage further purchases, and increase average order value.
  • Personalized messages: Add personalized thank you messages or videos to provide customers with a more engaging and memorable experience.
  • Order summary improvements: Display detailed order summaries, including product images and additional information, to give customers a clear overview of their purchase.
  • Discounts and vouchers: Offer discounts or coupons for future purchases to incentivize repeat business and increase customer loyalty.
  • Share on social media: Encourage customers to share their purchases on social media, increasing your brand’s reach and visibility.
  • Customer feedback requests: Add options for customers to provide feedback or rate their shopping experience, providing valuable insights for business improvement.
  • Integration with analysis tools: Track customer interactions on the thank you page with integration with analytics tools to help understand and optimize their effectiveness.
  • Responsive design: Make sure the custom thank you page is accessible and visually appealing on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Custom HTML and Shortcodes: Add custom HTML content or shortcodes to integrate unique elements or features on the thank you page.
  • Easy to use interface: Customize the thank you page with an easy-to-use interface that doesn’t require any coding skills or extensive technical knowledge.
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce: Seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce while maintaining consistency and functionality across your online store.
  • Regular updates and support: Keep the plugin up to date with regular updates for compatibility and advanced features, and get access to professional support.

WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer Free Download offers companies a significant opportunity to improve the post-purchase experience. Its customization capabilities enable a tailored approach that can lead to increased customer satisfaction, additional sales and increased brand loyalty. By transforming the thank you page from a standard acknowledgment into a dynamic marketing tool, businesses can harness the potential to connect with customers, collect feedback, and further drive engagement. Implementing the WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer is a strategic step for everyone WooCommerce The goal of the business is to maximize the value of each customer interaction and create the conditions for lasting customer relationships.


/1.2.3 - 2024.02.03/

Update: Update date format according to wc_date_format()
Update: Compatible with WC 8.6.0 and WP 6.4

/1.2.2 - 2023.10.04/

Fixed: Fixed rule template thank you page
Fixed: Automatically generate coupon codes after refreshing thank you page
Update: Compatible with WC 8.1.0 and WP 6.3

/1.2.1 - 2023.08.14/

Update: Compatible with WC 8.0.0 and WP 6.3

/1.2.0 - 2023.07.22/

Update: Compatible with HPOS-WC 7.9.0
Fixed: Fixed incorrect google shipping address

/1.1.2 - 2023.03.23/

Update: Compatible with WC 7.5.0 and WP 6.2
Fixed: Fixed security

/1.1.1 - 2022.11.18/

Added: Added file language
Added: Added shortcode {full_shipping_address} and {full_billing_address} to show full raw address
Update: Compatible with WC 7.1.0 and WP 6.1

/1.1.0 - 2022.09.12/

Fixed: Fixed coupon setting not working in customize
Update: Compatible with WC 6.6.0
Update: Multi template thank you page
Updated: Update check update file

/1.0.8 - 2022.06.06/

Fixed: Fixed security
Added: Tik Tok social icon

Update: Compatible with WC 6.5.0 and WP6.0

/1.0.7 - 2022.03.29/

Updated: Update support file

/1.0.6 - 2022.03.23/

Fixed: Can't change option product slider on customizer
Update: Compatible with WC 6.3.0 and WP5.9
Updated: Update support file
Updated: Compatible with the Gravity form plugin

/1.0.5 - 2021.12.01/

Fixed: Can't change order to preview on customizer
Fixed: Fixed responsive issue on Tablet and Mobile

/ - 2021.01.05/

Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Email Template Customizer/Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce plugin from VillaTheme
Added: RTL support
Added: Compatible with
Added: Compatible with Polylang
Updated: Not reload page if change order to preview on customizer


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