Free Download Booster Plus for WooCommerce v7.1.8 Nulled


Booster Plus for WooCommerce, a premium add-on for the popular e-commerce platform, focuses on important security updates, bug fixes and the introduction of new features in its recent versions (versions 7.1.0 – 7.1.8). This review will examine these updates and highlight the benefits they offer WooCommerce Shopkeeper.

Prioritize security and compatibility (multiple versions):

  • A key focus of all updates is addressing security vulnerabilities, including potential Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issues within shortcodes and user data disclosure (multiple versions).
  • All updates ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WooCommerce (up to v8.6.1) and WordPress (up to v6.4.2) (multiple versions).

Fixed functional issues (multiple versions):

  • Bug fixes are implemented in various versions and solve issues such as:
    • Unexpected changes to custom fields during order processing (v7.1.8).
    • File upload restrictions do not work as intended (v7.1.8).
    • Issues with custom order number search function (v7.1.6).
    • Admin bar tools malfunction (v7.1.6).
    • Order filtering issues (v7.1.6).
    • Deprecated PHP errors throughout the plugin (v7.1.6).
    • For guest users, order information is missing from custom emails (v7.1.3).
    • Bypass user role restriction for user products (v7.1.3).
    • Shortcode related vulnerabilities (v7.1.2, v7.1.1).

Advanced functionality and control (multiple versions):

  • Several updates introduce new features and improvements to existing features:
    • Wholesale price options (v7.1.8): New options allow certain products or product categories to be excluded from compulsory wholesale pricing.
    • Calculating the cost of goods (v7.1.7): This new feature provides more flexibility in calculating product costs based on the purchase price or a percentage of the product’s selling price.
    • Price based on user role compatibility (v7.1.6): Improved compatibility with the product add-on module for user-based pricing.
    • User role-based add-on pricing (v7.1.6): Filter add-on prices based on user roles for targeted promotions.
    • EU VAT number features (v7.1.6): New options concern VAT verification and exemption based on country settings.
    • Force Order Shortcode Display (v7.1.5): Ensures that specific order shortcodes are always displayed, even if they are hidden by other settings.
    • Multiple Currency Improvements (v7.1.5): Hides unnecessary nonce fields to prevent possible API issues.

Limited information about core features:

  • The changelog focuses on updates and does not go into detail about the core features of Booster Plus for WooCommerce. It is recommended to visit the official website to get a complete overview of the features such as: B. supported modules (e.g. shopping cart and checkout, products, prices and currencies), available shortcodes and integration options with other WooCommerce plugins.

Consideration of update history:

  • The frequent updates with a focus on security fixes, bug fixes and the introduction of new features suggest that continuous efforts are being made to maintain a secure and feature-rich plugin.

In total, Booster Plus for WooCommerce appears to be a valuable tool for WooCommerce store owners who want to improve their store’s functionality, control, and security. The updates demonstrate a commitment to addressing critical vulnerabilities, fixing bugs, and introducing features that improve user experience and store management. If you are looking for a comprehensive WooCommerce add-on to expand your store’s functionalities and prioritize security, Booster Plus for WooCommerce is a contender that you can explore in more detail on the official website to get a comprehensive understanding of its features and to receive prizes.

Every e-commerce entrepreneur understands the dynamics of the online marketplace. With evolving consumer needs and the rapidly changing digital landscape, there is always a need for adaptability. Booster Plus for WooCommerce Nulled serves as a strong ally in this journey, offering a range of features tailored to optimize your WooCommerce website and transform it into a robust online shopping platform.

Booster Plus stands out as a comprehensive solution for WooCommerce stores that aims to improve functionality without overwhelming users with complexity. The main advantage of Booster Plus is its versatility. It doesn’t matter whether you run a small online boutique or a large e-commerce empire; This plugin offers tools that are scalable for any size and type of business. Instead of installing numerous plugins to complete various tasks, Booster Plus offers an all-in-one toolkit that simplifies backend processes and ensures a smoother frontend experience for your customers.


Prices and currencies

Are you managing a global storefront? Adjust product prices based on user roles, add global discounts, or set exchange rates with geolocation-based rules. With Booster Plus, you can easily display prices in multiple currencies, making it easy to serve a global audience.

Button and price tags

Personalize the shopping experience by customizing Add to Cart button labels for different product types or adding labels to products to highlight special offers or new arrivals.


This feature-rich plugin allows you to list products by user, offer products in bulk, and even enable product entry fields so your customers can provide additional information for personalized items.

Shopping cart and checkout

Increase sales by cross-selling in the cart, customize checkout fields, and even offer quick one-page checkout to minimize cart abandonment.

Payment gateways

Integrate multiple payment gateways and control gateways by user role, country or product type. This customization ensures that your customers always have a convenient payment option.

Shipping and orders

Automate the shipping process by creating delivery notes, customizing order numbers, and even offering a customizable shipping calculator.

PDF invoice

Automate invoice creation and customize invoice templates to maintain brand consistency. The plugin ensures that invoices both look professional and comply with your region’s tax regulations.

Emails and additional tools

Send customizable order notification emails and use tools like Booster Plus shortcodes to improve site functionality without requiring any coding knowledge.

Why choose Booster Plus?

While there are many plugins for WooCommerce, Booster Plus stands out for its comprehensive approach. The wealth of tools available ensures that every aspect of an eCommerce business, from the product listing to the checkout process, gets a functionality boost. Additionally, the emphasis on user experience ensures that while backend processes become more efficient, the frontend remains intuitive and engaging for customers.

One of the main advantages is the clarity of your WordPress dashboard. Instead of juggling updates, settings, and potential conflicts between multiple plugins, site owners can manage everything from a unified dashboard. This not only simplifies administrative tasks, but also contributes to faster website performance.

Finally, Booster Plus is continuously updated. As WooCommerce grows and changes, Booster Plus continues to evolve in parallel, ensuring users always have access to the latest features and tools so that their online stores are competent and compliant with the latest eCommerce trends and regulations.

Download Booster Plus for WooCommerce

In the increasingly competitive world of online trading, every detail counts. The efficiency of backend operations, smooth customer journey, adaptability to global audiences, and integration of multiple payment and shipping methods can determine the success or failure of an online store. Booster Plus for WooCommerce free download understands these intricacies and provides a comprehensive solution that closes gaps and expands functionality. For every WooCommerce store owner, it’s not just a plugin; It is a strategic partner on the path to e-commerce success. Use Booster Plus and watch your WooCommerce store transform into an impressive online marketplace.


= 7.1.8 06/03/2024 =

FIXED - CART & CHECKOUT - Checkout Custom Fields - Resolved the issue causing unexpected modification of custom fields when saving orders from the admin order edit page.
FIXED - PRODUCTS - User Products - Implemented client/server-side validation to restrict file uploads to specific types only.
FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue associated with the '[wcj_product_wholesale_price_table]' shortcode.
FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue associated with the currently active tab settings.
FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue associated with the shortcodes of the Invoice category.
FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue associated with the shortcodes of the Products Crowdfunding category.
FIXED - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_base_country() on null in… wcj-functions-country.php on line 156.
FIXED - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type() on bool in… wcj-functions-products.php on line 444.
NEW FEATURE - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Created a new feature 'Products to Exclude forcefully' to exclude Products forcefully.

NEW FEATURE - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Wholesale Price - Introduced the 'Product Categories to Exclude forcefully' feature to enable the exclusion of specific product categories.
WooCommerce 8.6.1 Tested
WordPress 6.4.2 Tested

= 7.1.7 12/02/2024 =

FIXED - Fixed the cross-site scripting vulnerability issue associated with the '[wcj_product_barcode]' shortcode.
NEW FEATURE - PRODUCTS - Cost of Goods - Introduce a new feature labeled 'Charge Calculation' for differentiating charge calculation methods: percentage of product price or purchase cost (default).
WooCommerce 8.5.2 Tested
WordPress 6.4.2 Tested
7.1.6, updated on 2024-02-07.

= 7.1.6 07/02/2024 =

FIXED - Addressed PHP Deprecated errors related to the creation of dynamic properties throughout the entire plugin.
FIXED - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Admin Orders List - Resolved the issue of orders not being filtered based on the applied filter from the "Add Presets to Admin Menu" option.
FIXED - SHIPPING & ORDERS - Order Numbers - Addressed the problem encountered when searching for an order using a custom order number.
FIXED - EMAILS & MISC - Admin Bar - Fixed the issue of tools not working when accessed through the admin bar.
NEW FEATURE - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Price based on User Role - Introduced a new option called "Compatibility with Product Addon" to address compatibility issues with the Product Addon module.
NEW FEATURE - PRODUCTS - Product Addons - Implemented a new option to filter addon prices based on user roles.
NEW FEATURE - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Added a new feature named "Apply Country Code Prefix to EU VAT" to resolve the VAT verification issue.
NEW FEATURE - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Added a new feature named "Preserve VAT in Base Country By Billing country" to validate the billing country against the store base country before applying for VAT exemption
NEW FEATURE - CART & CHECKOUT - EU VAT Number - Added a new feature named "Preserve VAT in Base Country By Shipping Country", it cross-checks the shipping country with the store base country before VAT exemption.
WooCommerce 8.5.2 Tested
WordPress 6.4.2 Tested

= 7.1.5 20/12/2023 =

NEW FEATURE - EMAILS & MISC - General - Introduced a new option to display order shortcodes forcefully.
FIXED - PRICES & CURRENCIES - Multicurrency (Currency Switcher) - Hide the "wcj-currency-nonce" nonce field, as it breaks the WooCommerce Rest API JSON response in certain instances.
FIXED - PDF INVOICING & PACKING SLIPS - PDF Invoicing - Fixed PHP Deprecated errors associated with TCPDF library.
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $isunicode declared before required parameter $currentfont is implicitly treated as a required parameter in… includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_fonts.php on line 1998
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $setbom declared before required parameter $currentfont is implicitly treated as a required parameter in… includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_fonts.php on line 2040
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $str declared before required parameter $currentfont is implicitly treated as a required parameter in… includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_fonts.php on line 2077
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $default_css declared before required parameter $tagvspaces is implicitly treated as a required parameter in… includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_static.php on line 1139
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $tagvs declared before required parameter $tagvspaces is implicitly treated as a required parameter in… includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_static.php on line 1139
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $tidy_options declared before required parameter $tagvspaces is implicitly treated as a required parameter in… includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_static.php on line 1139
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Optional parameter $points declared before required parameter $k is implicitly treated as a required parameter in… includes/lib/tcpdf/include/tcpdf_static.php on line 2510
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 2.547055555555555 to int loses precision in… includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 4138
FIXED - PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1.961444444444444 to int loses precision in… includes/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 4137
WooCommerce 8.4.0 Tested
WordPress 6.4.2 Tested

= 7.1.4 04/12/2023 =

NEW FEATURE - All the modules are now Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS.
FIXED - PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in includes/class-wcj-admin-orders-list.php… on line 141.
FIXED - PHP Warning: Undefined variable $order_id in includes/class-wcj-checkout-files-upload.php… on line 535.
WooCommerce 8.3.0 Tested
WordPress 6.4.1 Tested

= 7.1.3 18/10/2023 =

FIXED - Fixed the Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability issue associated with the '[wcj_image]' Shortcode.
FIXED - Resolved the issue of sensitive data from orders being revealed through Shortcodes.
FIXED - EMAILS & MISC - Custom Emails - Addressed the issue of missing Order Information for guest users.
FIXED - PRODUCTS - User Products - Restricted access to selected user roles for security authentication.
WooCommerce 8.2.0 Tested
WordPress 6.3.2 Tested

= 7.1.2 04/10/2023 =

FIXED - Addressed the issue of sensitive order-related information being exposed via Shortcodes.
FIXED - Fixed the Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability issue associated with Shortcodes.
FIXED - Resolved the problem of Authenticated Information Disclosure via Shortcodes.
FIXED - PRODUCTS - User Products - Addressed the issue of unauthorized post/page deletion via WordPress parse-media-shortcode AJAX action.
FIXED - PRODUCTS - User Products - Rectified the problem of malicious post/page insertion/update via WordPress parse-media-shortcode AJAX action.
WooCommerce 8.1.1 Tested
WordPress 6.3.1 Tested

= 7.1.1 13/09/2023 =

FIXED - Rectified the issue of Authenticated Information Disclosure through Shortcodes.
FIXED - Addressed the Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability issue associated with the Shortcodes.
FIXED - Resolved the issue with the site key for some of the instances.
WooCommerce 8.0.3 Tested
WordPress 6.3.1 Tested

= 7.1.0 09/08/2023 =

FIXED - Added Security vulnerability fixes.
WooCommerce 8.0.0 tested


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