Free Download Dynamic Content for Elementor v2.13.5 Free Download


Dynamic Content for Elementor, a powerful plugin that unlocks a whole new world of possibilities. This recent update (v2.13.2) brings a wave of exciting new features and fixes to ensure your website stays dynamic and efficient.

Here’s a glimpse of what’s new in Dynamic Content for Elementor v2.13.2:

  • Author Power: A brand new Dynamic Tag – Author Field allows you to effortlessly display author information directly within your Elementor designs.
  • Bug Squashing: The update addresses a few bugs related to Dynamic Products and Views Widgets, ensuring a smoother experience.

Beyond v2.13.2, Dynamic Content for Elementor offers a treasure trove of features to elevate your website’s dynamism:

  • Effortless Dynamic Display: Showcase a wide range of content dynamically, including posts, users, products, custom fields, and more.
  • Elementor Integration: Seamlessly integrate with Elementor, allowing you to use dynamic content within your existing designs.
  • ACF Love: Build dynamic content powered by Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for a truly flexible experience.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Dynamic Content for Elementor integrates beautifully with WooCommerce, allowing you to display dynamic product information.
  • Advanced Rules & Conditions: Control what content is displayed based on powerful rules and conditions for ultimate customization.
  • And Much More: Explore a vast library of widgets, tags, and functionalities to create dynamic and interactive experiences for your visitors.

Key Improvements and Updates (Since v2.12.0):

  • February 2024 Updates:
    • New Widgets: ACF Frontend Form, Product Variations, and Dynamic Archives.
    • New Tag: User Field.
    • Compatibility updates for Elementor and Elementor Pro.
    • Deprecated functionalities (Read More Button, Unwrap extension, User Fields widget) with recommended alternatives.
    • Frontend Navigator limitation to administrators.
  • January 2024 Updates:
    • Enhanced control over Elementor Pro Form actions with Export Conditions.
    • Custom Condition troubleshooting features for Dynamic Visibility.
    • Improved PDF Button functionalities (JS Converter waiting time, Scale option).
    • Deprecated functionalities (Dashboard Menu renamed, File Include, Dynamic Title, Post Type and Taxonomy Title widgets).
    • A range of bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Earlier Updates:
    • Dynamic Google Maps with close-all-InfoWindows option.
    • Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Forms with capture avoidance.
    • Many more bug fixes and tweaks for a smoother experience.

Dynamic Content for Elementor is a must-have plugin for anyone looking to create dynamic and engaging websites with Elementor. With its consistent updates, new features, and vast capabilities, it empowers you to design websites that truly come alive.

Is Dynamic Content for Elementor right for you?

If you’re looking to add a touch of dynamism to your Elementor website, then Dynamic Content for Elementor is an excellent choice. It offers a user-friendly interface, a plethora of features, and seamless integration with Elementor, making it a valuable tool for web designers and developers of all levels. Consider checking out their website to learn more and see if it can take your website design to the next level!

Dynamic Content for Elementor Nulled is reshaping the landscape of web design, offering an innovative suite of features that extend the capabilities of the popular Elementor page builder. This tool is a game-changer for web designers and developers, infusing their projects with a level of dynamism and interactivity that was once challenging to achieve.

At its core, Dynamic Content for Elementor is an add-on that integrates seamlessly with Elementor, enriching it with additional widgets and features. This integration empowers users to create more complex and dynamic websites, leveraging the simplicity and flexibility of Elementor with the enhanced functionality of Dynamic Content.

Comprehensive Feature Analysis: Elevating Website Interactivity

  • Dynamic Widgets: A suite of new widgets that introduce dynamic content capabilities, enabling the display of data from various sources in real-time.
  • Conditional Logic: Implement conditional logic to display content based on user interaction or other criteria, making websites more interactive and user-centric.
  • ACF Integration: Seamless integration with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), allowing the use of custom fields in your Elementor designs.
  • Custom Post Types Support: Enhance your website’s functionality with support for custom post types, providing more flexibility in content management.
  • Dynamic Templates: Create and use dynamic templates that automatically update content, saving time and effort in content management.
  • Loop Layouts: Build loop layouts for listings, blogs, and portfolios, enabling unique and engaging ways to display a series of posts or products.
  • Dynamic Tags: Access a wide range of dynamic tags that pull data from various sources, including ACF, Toolset, and WordPress default fields.
  • Cross-site Copy-Paste: Effortlessly copy elements and content from one site to another, streamlining the design process across multiple websites.
  • Scroll Animations: Introduce engaging scroll animations that activate as the user scrolls through the page, enhancing user engagement and website aesthetics.
  • Form Integrations: Enhance Elementor forms with additional fields and options, including conditional logic, multi-step forms, and dynamic values.
  • Dynamic Visibility: Control the visibility of elements based on user behavior or conditions, tailoring the user experience to different audience segments.

Other Features

  • Theme Builder Integration: Leverage the power of Elementor’s theme builder with additional dynamic capabilities, allowing for more complex and customized themes.
  • WooCommerce Enhancements: Boost your e-commerce capabilities with dynamic widgets and features specifically designed for WooCommerce.
  • Custom CSS and JavaScript: Add custom CSS and JavaScript directly within Dynamic Content widgets, providing greater control over design and functionality.
  • Responsive Design Controls: Tailor the appearance of dynamic elements for different device types, ensuring a consistent and optimal user experience across all devices.
  • User Role Integration: Display or hide content based on user roles, making it ideal for membership sites or user-specific content.

Conclusion: The Future of Web Design with Dynamic Content for Elementor

Dynamic Content for Elementor Free Download is not just an add-on; it’s a transformative tool that redefines what’s possible with web design. By bridging the gap between simplicity and complexity, it allows web designers and developers to unleash their creativity without being bogged down by technical limitations. Whether you’re building a simple blog, a complex e-commerce site, or anything in between, Dynamic Content for Elementor equips you with the tools to create more engaging, dynamic, and personalized websites. Its ease of use, combined with its powerful features, makes it an essential tool for anyone looking to take their web design projects to the next level. With Dynamic Content for Elementor, the future of web design is not only bright but also dynamic and boundless.


v2.13.2 – 2024/02/28
* New: Dynamic Tag – Author Field
* Fix: Dynamic Products, PHP error in some cases
* Fix: Views Widget, PHP Error in some cases
* Minor fixes

v2.13.1 – 2024/02/27
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility settings were not visible in the Elementor editor after the latest update

v2.13.0 – 2024/02/27
* Notice: from the end of March 2024 required Elementor version will be >v3.12.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.12.0
* New: ACF Frontend Form widget
* New: Product Variations widget, to retrieve Woo Product Variations
* New: Dynamic Archives widget
* New: Dynamic Tag – User Field
* Tweak: Dynamic Products now allows including Product Variations
* Tweak: Dynamic Users, add option to filter for empty Meta values
* Fix: in some circumstances the plugin was disabled because of an incorrect “Elementor is Required” error
* Notice: from this version is required WP >= 5.7
* Notice: Removed Ajax functionality from Read More button and Dynamic Posts (old version)
* Notice: Set Read More Button widget as deprecated
* Notice: Set Unwrap extension as deprecated
* Notice: Set User Fields widget as deprecated. You can use Dynamic Tag – User Field
* Notice: Removed “Copy&Paste Cross Sites” feature. “Copy and Paste Between Websites” functionality is available in Elementor > v3.11.0
* Notice: Frontend Navigator will be for administrator only from this version on
* Tweak: added “Query Role” setting on Toolset Relationship widget
* Fix: Removed “order by Meta Value DATE” option in Dynamic Posts due to malfunctioning. Now, you can select “Order by Meta Value” and then choose the type as “Date” or “DateTime”
* Fix: Removed “order by Meta Value NUM” option. Now, you can select “Order by Meta Value” and specify the type as “Numeric”. Users previously utilizing “order by Meta Value NUM” can continue to do so without disruption
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.14 – 2024/02/15
* Fix: Fix PHP Errors caused by 2.12.13 in some cases

v2.12.13 – 2024/02/14
* Fix: More instances where Loop Item templates styles were missing
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.11 – 2024/02/12
* Fix: The fallback on Dynamic Posts broke the style of the rest of the page
* Fix: the use of “Loop Item” templates on Views widget does not load the CSS for those using Elementor Pro 3.19.1+
* Fix: warning on SVG Morphing widget
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.10 – 2024/02/09
* Fix: the use of “Loop Item” templates on Dynamic Posts does not load the CSS for those using Elementor Pro 3.19.1+
* Fix: warning on Dynamic Visibility when used PHP 8.2

v2.12.9 – 2024/02/08
* Tweak: Now you can write Conditions that control whether to run the Export Action for Elementor Pro Form
* Tweak: Dynamic Visibility: User-written Custom Conditions can, in rare circumstances, trigger Fatal Errors that prevent access to the editor. Now you can use the URL parameter dce_disable_visibility_custom_conditions=1 to stop the execution of the Custom Conditions
* Fix: potentially incorrect styles for ACF loops nested inside another ACF Loop
* Fix: Some settings did not function with Dynamic Tags
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.8 – 2024/01/30
* Notice: Frontend Navigator will be for administrator only from this version on
* Tweak: PDF Button: JS Converter, to allow waiting for slow third party JS elements, users can now prevent the generation of the PDF and trigger it manually via JS
* Fix: Visibility event, display issue with a trigger managing more than one element and the Hide Other option set
* Fix: User ACF fields could not be retrieved when inside a template used by Dynamic Users Widget
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.7 – 2024/01/17
* Tweak: PDF Button widget, JS converter, add Scale option that allows raising the resolution of the generated PDFs
* Notice: The Dashboard Menu is now called “Dynamic Content” to avoid confusion with the new plugin “Dynamic Shortcodes”
* Notice: File Include, Dynamic Title, Post Type and Taxonomy Title widgets set as deprecated
* Fix: Background Images and other dynamic CSS settings could be wrong for Dynamic Posts widgets nested inside ACF loops, like the ACF Repeater widget
* Fix: PDF Generator for Elementor Pro Form and PDF Button widget, HTML converter, error about missing file in some cases when used with custom fonts
* Fix: Dynamic Posts widgets, some settings allowed Dynamic Tags but were ignoring their results and using the static values
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.6 – 2023/12/21
* Notice: The Dashboard Menu is now called “Dynamic Content” to avoid confusion with the new plugin “Dynamic Shortcodes”
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, skin Grid with Filters, add Select option to filters style
* Tweak: Dynamic Posts, Added target option to Items Custom Meta Field URL and Button
* Fix: Dynamic Visibility with Keep HTML on was not working in some situations
* Fix: Icons for Elementor Pro Form, Select icons where not compatible with sizing settings
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.5 – 2023/11/30
* Notice: from this version is required Elementor >= v3.6.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro >= v3.6.0
* Tweak: Dynamic Google Maps, added setting to close all InfoWindows on mouse click
* Fix: Mirror Field didn’t work properly
* Minor Fixes

v2.12.4 – 2023/11/29
* Notice: from the end of December required Elementor version will be >v3.9.0 and, if used, Elementor Pro > v3.9.0
* Tweak: Stripe Field for Elementor Pro Form, add option to avoid capturing the payment
* Fix: Dynamic Charts, fix input values with comma
* Fix: the selection of editor settings in some cases was not possible
* Fix: Dynamic Posts, Carousel Skin, buttons didn’t work in some cases
* Minor Fixesm


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