Free Download Woostify Theme Free Download v2.2.8 + Pro v1.8.0


Woostify Pro, a popular one WooCommerce Addon for WordPress, has undergone a number of updates between versions 1.7.8 and 1.8.0. The focus of these updates is on performance improvements, introducing new features, fixing compatibility issues, and improving the user experience for store owners and customers.

Performance improvements and bug fixes (v1.7.8 – v1.8.0):

  • Faster loading times (v1.8.0): A big highlight is the focus on improving loading speed, especially for websites with a large number of products. This can lead to a smoother shopping experience for customers.
  • Conflict resolution: Updates fix conflicts with various plugins such as Kadence Shop Kit, WProcket, WooCommerce Subscription, WPML, Elementor Pro and WooCommerce Composite Products. This ensures smoother operations with a wider range of tools.
  • Bug fixes in all functions (v1.7.8 – v1.8.0): Various bug fixes have been implemented that address issues with product add-to-cart widgets, callbacks, Ajax search functions, payment buttons, product variations, product sliders, navigation menus, pagination, My Account pages, and more. These fixes aim to eliminate bugs and improve the user experience for both store owners managing their stores and customers browsing products.

New features and functions (v1.7.9, v1.8.0):

  • Commonly purchased add-on (v1.7.9): This new add-on allows you to showcase product bundles and potentially encourage customers to purchase additional items.
  • Improved Smart Product Filter (v1.8.0): Improvements to the Smart Product Filter add-on may provide a more refined product filtering experience for customers in your store.
  • Filter sidebar hierarchy option (v1.8.0): This new option in the Smart Product Filter add-on allows customization of the filter sidebar based on product search results, potentially improving navigation.
  • White label addon (v1.7.8): Although not specifically addressed in the provided changelog for version 1.7.8, this add-on will likely allow you to remove Woostify branding from your store and potentially provide a more customized storefront experience.

Additional updates (v2.2.5 – v2.2.8):

  • Woostify Theme Updates (v2.2.5 – v2.2.8): The changelog includes updates to the Woostify theme itself (version 2.2.5 – v2.2.8) as well as the Woostify Pro add-on updates. These theme updates focus on bug fixes related to product galleries, variation patterns, customizer color options, infinite scrolling, and mobile responsiveness.
  • Newly added feature (v2.2.8): A previously removed feature to install the Woostify site library is brought back in version 2.2.8.

Focus on user experience and compatibility:

  • Improved overall stability: By resolving conflicts and fixing bugs, the updates aim to create a more stable and user-friendly experience for both store owners and customers.
  • Improved performance: Focusing on loading speed optimizations can result in a faster browsing experience for customers.

Limited information about specific fixes:

  • The changelogs do not contain detailed descriptions for each bug fix implemented.

In total, Woostify Pro’s updates demonstrate a commitment to improving performance, adding new features, and ensuring compatibility with popular plugins. By addressing various bug fixes and conflicts, the updates aim to create a more optimized and user-friendly experience for WooCommerce store owners and their customers.

In the vast ocean of topics available to eCommerce enthusiasts, few truly understand the core of what makes an online store successful. Woostify theme set to zero is a leader in this space, combining design, functionality and user experience into a seamless ensemble that helps WooCommerce websites succeed.


The Woostify Theme is not just another aesthetic overlay for WooCommerce. It is a carefully crafted tool designed to harness and enhance the potential of WooCommerce. Built with a deep understanding of e-commerce dynamics, Woostify is more than just a theme – it’s a holistic approach to creating compelling online shopping experiences.


1. Lightweight and speed optimized: One of Woostify’s hallmarks is its commitment to speed. Understanding the critical importance of website load times, especially in eCommerce, Woostify is designed to be lightweight and ensure lightning-fast load times and a fast user experience.

2. Deep WooCommerce Integration: Woostify is not a generic theme forced to fit the WooCommerce mold. It is tailored to that. This results in features that are perfectly synced with WooCommerce, be it product displays, checkout processes or special sales events.

3. Customization Options Galore: While Woostify set to zero serves an aesthetic pleasure straight from the packaging and does not restrict creativity. The theme offers extensive customization options, from typography to layout configurations, ensuring brands can develop a unique identity.

4. Mobile Optimized: In a world that is rapidly shifting towards mobile commerce, Woostify always stays one step ahead. The theme is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring on-the-go shoppers have an experience as rich and seamless as desktop users.

5. Header and Footer Builder: Woostify offers an advanced header and footer builder that enables businesses to create effective first and last impressions. This feature offers multiple layout options and ensures that each site has its own unique touch.

6. Product wish list and comparison: Modern buyers demand sophisticated features, and Woostify delivers them. With built-in product wishlist and comparison options, the theme ensures users have all the tools they need to make informed purchasing decisions.

7. SEO Ready: The success of an online store doesn’t just depend on design and user experience; Visibility is important. Built with best SEO practices in mind, Woostify provides a solid foundation for websites to achieve higher rankings in search results.

8. Regular Updates: E-commerce is a dynamic field and staying up to date is crucial. Woostify is supported by a dedicated team that rolls out regular updates and ensures online stores are always equipped with the latest features and optimizations.

The online marketplace is full of competition. In such a scenario, choosing a theme can make the difference between being just another store or the go-to shop for buyers. Woostify theme free downloadWith its mix of brilliant design and technical expertise, it offers e-commerce companies the decisive edge.

But what really sets Woostify apart beyond its features and capabilities is its philosophy. It’s not just about creating a theme; It’s about reimagining the WooCommerce experience. It’s about understanding the heartbeat of modern e-commerce and building a tool that resonates with it.

For those at a crossroads when choosing a theme for their WooCommerce store, Woostify is not just an option. It’s a statement – a statement of quality, performance and an unyielding commitment to providing the best shopping experience.

In a time where digital storefronts are the new norm, Woostify ensures those storefronts don’t just exist; They excel, they engage, and they convert. It’s not just one topic; It is a vision for the future of e-commerce.


Woostify Pro 1.8.0

1 Mar 2024
Improve Smart product filter addon
Add hierarchy option: the filter sidebar changes with the product result
Faster loading time
Fix the loading site speed issue with some large product sites.
Fix conflict with Header footer addon
Fix publishing product errors when using the Frequently Bought Together addon
Fix Ajax search addon doesn’t work with some special keywords
Fix Callback addon: email not sending with products are imported with REST API
Fix Preorder addon conflict with Kadence shop kit plugin
Fix duplicate price when using Frequently bought together addon
Fix Woobuilder conflict with WProcket plugin

Woostify Pro 1.7.9

24 Nov 2023
Release Frequently Bought Together addon
Add 3 new demos & Update all demos using Flexbox Container
Update option for Countdown widget
Fix Product add to cart widget conflict with WooCommerce Subscription plugin
Fix Callback didn’t work with Woobuilder
Fix Ajax search addon didn’t index automatically
Fix payment button on My account page
Fix out of stock product display when using variation swatches
Fix Ajax search conflict with WPML plugin
Fix some special symbols didn’t work in Ajax search
Fix variation swatches didn’t work with Product image widget on mobile
Fix product slider widget when using Mega menu
Fix logout function in My account widget
Fix layout option in Nav menu widget
Fix pagination didn’t work on My account page that is build by Woobuilder
Fix variation swatches add-on conflict with WooCommerce Composite plugin
Support index automatically in Ajax search when importing product from Rest API

Woostify Pro 1.7.8

11 Apr 2023
Released White Label add-on
Update New Woostify setting page
Fix sticky header lag on the Safari browser
Fix the warning error when restoring the product
Fix the warning console log on Woostify setting page
Fix conflict between Variation swatches addon with Popup builder of Elementor Pro
Ajax Search add-on:
Fix searching by tag not working
Fix searching with custom field not working
Smart product filter add-on
Support custom taxonomy
Fix error when filtering with multiple categories


Woostify version 2.2.8

8 Jan 2024
Re-add the Install Woostify site library button in Woostify Dasboard

Woostify version 2.2.7

18 Dec 2023
Fix product gallery not working when using variation swatches add-on

Woostify version 2.2.6

24 Nov 2023
Fix Hex color auto-convert to Rgba color in Customizer -> Color
Fix Infinite scroll conflict with Smart product filter
Add an option to move out-of-stock products to the bottom in Customizer -> WooCommerce -> Shop archive
Fix gallery on mobile for gallery layout 3,4
Fix sticky content doesn’t work when using gallery layout 2 (1 column layout)
Add notice message if input wrong account when using login/register form
Fix Typography option conflict with Customizer -> Additional CSS
Support Frequently Bought together add-on of Woostify Pro

Woostify version 2.2.5

28 Jun 2023
Fix quantity error on the Cart page
Fix container on Gutenberg page doesn’t sync with the theme container


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