Free Download (v4.1.0) Premium Google Tag Manager Module Free Download


Free Download Premium Google Tag Manager Module for Presta Shop – the ultimate solution for the professional and comprehensive integration of Google Tag Manager into your e-commerce shop. This powerful module covers all your current and future tracking and analytics needs, ensuring you have the insights you need to optimize your store’s performance and drive success.

Premium Google Tag Manager is pre-configured for seamless integration with a variety of major tracking and advertising platforms, including:

  • Google Analytics 4: Get deep insights into your website traffic, user behavior and conversion metrics with the latest version of Google Analytics.
  • Google Ads: Track the effectiveness of your Google Ad campaigns and optimize your ad spend for maximum ROI.
  • Bing: Expand your reach and track conversions from Bing View with ease.
  • Facebook: Harness the power of the Facebook advertising platform and track conversions from your Facebook advertising campaigns.
  • Tick ​​tock: Reach younger audiences and track conversions Tick ​​tock Ads to optimize your advertising strategy.
  • Pinterest: Increase Pinterest traffic and sales with advanced tracking and analytics.

Premium Google Tag Manager module zeroed out is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing you to integrate with any additional platforms or tools you use now or in the future.

One of the main advantages of Premium Google Tag Manager is its ease of use. The module is designed to be user-friendly and has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to set up and configure your tracking and analytics tags. You don’t need any technical expertise or coding knowledge – just install the module, follow the step-by-step setup wizard and start tracking your website performance immediately.

Premium Google Tag Manager also offers advanced features and customization options to meet your specific needs. The module allows you to create custom tags, triggers and variables to track a variety of events and actions on your website. Whether you want to track conversions, form submissions, button clicks, or other interactions, Premium Google Tag Manager gives you the flexibility to customize your tracking setup to suit your unique needs.

Another important advantage of Free download of Google Tag Manager is its performance and reliability. The module consists of clean and efficient code, ensuring that it has minimal impact on your website loading speed and performance. Plus, with regular updates and dedicated support from our team, you can trust that Premium Google Tag Manager will continue to meet your needs now and in the future.

Premium Google Tag Manager for Presta Shop is the ultimate solution for the professional and comprehensive integration of Google Tag Manager into your e-commerce shop. With pre-configured integration for major platforms like Google Analytics 4, Google Show, Bing, Facebook, Tick ​​tock, Pinterestand more, as well as advanced features and customization options, Premium Google Tag Manager covers all your tracking and analytics needs. Additionally, you can rest assured that it is easy to use, powerful, and reliable Google Tag Manager set to zero helps you optimize your store’s performance and drive success.

Premium Google Tag Manager Module Changelog

Version 4.1.0 - 9/7/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.4
Added Translations for Germany and Portugal
Deprecated GUA tracking, cause Universal Analytics properties has stopped processing hits
Fixed API (GA4) does not send the traffic parameters
Fixed Add to cart is not detected on non-standard themes like Elementor module
Fixed Undefined Index user_agent in Tracking Status tab content
Fixed (PS1.7.6) Undefined Index Product::$npm
Fixed (GTM) All tags from ads platforms (Ads, Bing, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Criteo) has prices without tax
Fixed (GTM) GA4 Item variant has an array format

Version 3.4.0 - 8/24/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: -
Added Translations for Germany and Portugal
Removed old GUA tracking
Fixed API (GA4) does not send the traffic parameters
Fixed Add to cart is not detected on non-standard themes like Elementor module
Fixed Undefined Index user_agent in Tracking Status tab content
Fixed (PS1.7.6) Undefined Index Product::$npm
Fixed (GTM) All tags from ads platforms (Ads, Bing, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Criteo) has prices without tax
Fixed (GTM) GA4 Item variant has an array format

Version 3.3.8 - 6/16/2023

PrestaShop compatibility: -
Fixed GA4 API conversion and refunds fails when client have not any Google client ID
Fixed GA4 API parameters document location and document referrer could cause


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