Free Download (v2.0.16) WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Free Download


WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro (v2.0.10 – v2.0.16) highlights the commitment to improving the accuracy and completeness of eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics for WooCommerce stores. Additionally, the updates address compatibility issues and result in user experience improvements. Here’s a breakdown of the major updates:

Improved tracking accuracy (multiple versions):

  • Several updates focus on ensuring accurate data is sent to Google Analytics:
    • Use cart session data for Add to Cart events instead of potentially stale database information (v2.0.16).
    • Incorporated all required data into view_item events to support standard Google purchase reporting (version 2.0.11).
    • Option to control whether order revenue includes taxes and shipping in GA4 tracking (v2.0.10).
    • Hardened code to avoid errors when parsing event data (v2.0.12).

Improved compatibility (multiple versions):

  • The updates fix compatibility issues with other WooCommerce plugins:
    • Improved compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards and YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce (v2.0.16).

Improved user experience (v2.0.13):

  • Added admin notices to guide users to use cart/checkout shortcodes when using the appropriate blocks (relevant for compatibility with WooCommerce updates).

Limited information about core features:

  • The changelog focuses on updates and does not go into detail about the core features of the WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro plugin. It is recommended to visit the official plugin website for a complete overview, such as: E.g.:
    • Automatic tracking of various WooCommerce events (add to cart, remove from cart, checkout, purchase completed, etc.).
    • Sending tracked data to Google Analytics for detailed eCommerce reporting.
    • Advanced eCommerce tracking capabilities for improved data accuracy.
    • Compatibility with WooCommerce versions and other popular WooCommerce plugins.
    • Configuration options to customize tracking behavior.
    • Other relevant features to optimize Google Analytics tracking for your WooCommerce store.

Consideration of update history:

  • The frequent updates focusing on tracking accuracy, compatibility and user experience indicate an active development process.

In total, WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro appears to be a well-maintained plugin that emphasizes accurate and comprehensive eCommerce tracking WooCommerce stored within Google Analytics. Recent updates demonstrate efforts to improve data accuracy, ensure compatibility with other plugins, and guide a smooth user experience. It is recommended to explore WooCommerce’s official Google Analytics Pro website to get a comprehensive understanding of its features, pricing (there may be free or premium versions), and suitability for improving your WooCommerce analytics.

The e-commerce landscape has grown tremendously, resulting in fierce competition between companies. In such a scenario, understanding customer behavior, preferences and purchasing behavior is of utmost importance. This is where the mix of WooCommerce and Google Analytics proves to be groundbreaking. WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro set to zero is the bridge that brings these two giants together and provides online businesses with insights that can lead them to success.

Overview of WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro:
WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro set to zero Improves integration between WooCommerce stores and Google Analytics. It provides detailed analysis of customer behavior, tracks sales, user engagement and other key metrics that are crucial to the growth and strategy formulation of an online business. By capturing a variety of eCommerce data and presenting it in an understandable way, this plugin enables businesses to make informed decisions.

Features that make WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro stand out:

  1. Advanced tracking:
    Beyond basic page views and visitor counts, the plugin digs deep, tracking user interactions like “Add to Cart” actions, product clicks, checkout progress, and even coupon usage.
  2. Advanced eCommerce Analytics:
    This feature allows store owners to get detailed insights into product views, sales, average order values, and even refund analysis. This paints a clearer picture of how the business is performing.
  3. Custom event tracking:
    Customize and set specific events you want to track, be it user registrations, form submissions, or other unique interactions in your WooCommerce store.
  4. Analysis of checkout behavior:
    Understand where potential customers drop off during the checkout process to identify friction points and optimize the checkout process.
  5. User ID tracking:
    This feature provides insights into how individual users interact with the website, enabling a more personalized marketing approach.
  6. Link attribution:
    Improved link attribution allows you to track exactly which links are clicked on a page, allowing you to make better content and design decisions.
  7. Exclusion settings:
    Store administrators can exclude certain user roles (such as managers or editors) from tracking, ensuring data remains customer-centric.
  8. Easy integration:
    The plugin is designed to integrate seamlessly with WooCommerce, ensuring setup is straightforward and requires minimal configuration.
  9. Detailed reports:
    Access detailed reports in your Google Analytics dashboard that provide a visual representation of your store’s performance.

Benefits of deploying WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro:

  1. Informed business decisions:
    With accurate data, store owners can make more informed business decisions, be it inventory management, marketing strategies, or sales promotions.
  2. Optimized Marketing Spend:
    Understand which marketing channels generate the most traffic and conversions, enabling better allocation of marketing budgets.
  3. Improved User Experience:
    By understanding customer behavior and preferences, companies can tailor the shopping experience, resulting in greater satisfaction and repeat purchases.
  4. Data-driven growth strategies:
    Instead of relying on gut feelings or assumptions, companies can formulate growth strategies based on real, actionable data.
  5. Improved Store Performance:
    Continuous insights mean continuous optimization. By regularly analyzing data, companies can ensure that their store remains optimized for conversions.

In a digital world dominated by data, WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro Free Download is developing into a beacon for online companies. By integrating the power of Google Analytics with the flexibility of WooCommerce, this plugin provides deep and actionable insights. It’s not just about collecting data; It’s about understanding it, interpreting it and then using it to drive growth. For WooCommerce store owners, this plugin is not just a tool; It’s a compass that guides you through the vast sea of ​​e-commerce. In the search for success, knowledge is power, and WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro is the key to unlocking that power.


Version 2.0.16 RELEASED ON 2024.03.04

When tracking add to cart events, use the product data from the cart session rather than the product data from the database
Improve compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards
Improve compatibility with YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce
Add filters to tweak the behavior of tracking completed purchase events for orders that are normally in paid status

Version 2.0.15RELEASED ON 2024.01.23

Add support for new authentication proxy service

Version 2.0.14RELEASED ON 2023.11.30

Prevent Fatal TypeErrors for `add_to_cart` events in PHP 8.2 and newer

Version 2.0.13RELEASED ON 2023.11.17

Add admin notices to help merchants reverting to the cart or checkout shortcodes if the corresponding blocks are used instead

Version 2.0.12RELEASED ON 2023.09.07

Harden code when parsing cart and product item event data to avoid potential errors in specific situations

Version 2.0.11RELEASED ON 2023.08.29

Include all required data in `view_item` events to support Google's default purchase reporting

Version 2.0.10RELEASED ON 2023.07.25

Add setting to control whether order revenue is tracked in GA4 with tax & shipping included or excluded


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