Free Download Soledad 8.4.7 Nulled – WooCommerce WordPress Theme


Soledad’s recent updates (v8.4.3 – v8.4.7) show a strong focus on introducing new features and improving the user experience. Here’s a breakdown of the key additions:

New features for content creation and presentation (multiple versions):

  • Post improvements:
    • Thumbnail video preview on hover for featured images (v8.4.6).
    • 4 new blockquote styles (v8.4.6).
    • 4 new navigation styles for next/previous post (v8.4.6).
    • Option to sort posts by most views within 24 hours (v8.4.6).
    • New heading styles in post content (v8.4.5).
    • Penci Custom Heading element for the block editor (v8.4.5).
    • Sponsored Post Options (v8.4.5).
    • 4 new related post styles (v8.4.5).
    • Custom post template for post formats (v8.4.4).
    • Option to enable sticky columns for Elementor containers (v8.4.6).
  • Slider:
    • 5 new slider animation styles (v8.4.4).
    • New featured slider style 39 (v8.4.4).
    • “Swing” animation style for Carousel Slider (v8.4.4).
  • Video integration:
    • Float video post format (v8.4.4).
  • Navigation improvements:
    • Custom URL after login via popup (v8.4.6).
    • Arrow icon for submenu with children (v8.4.4).
    • New submenu style 3 (v8.4.4).
  • Social sharing:
    • Sticky sharing for individual post pages (v8.4.3).
    • Share Selection Text to share selected content (v8.4.3).

Improved user experience and compatibility (multiple versions):

  • Fixes for Instagram connection issues due to API changes (v8.4.7).
  • Compatibility adjustments with Elementor Header & Footer Builder (v8.4.4).
  • Sync Soledad custom fonts with Elementor list fonts (v8.4.3).
  • WooCommerce templates update (multiple versions).
  • Improved Advanced Categories widget with subterm toggle option (v8.4.3).
  • Option to reduce long archive descriptions (v8.4.3).
  • Several minor bug fixes and improvements (multiple versions).

Limited information about core features:

  • The changelog focuses on updates and does not go into detail about Soledad’s core features. It is recommended to visit the official website for a complete overview, such as: E.g.:
    • Drag-and-drop page builder functionality (if applicable).
    • Pre-built website templates and demos.
    • WooCommerce integration for online shops.
    • Responsive design for mobile-friendly websites.
    • Other features relevant to WordPress website creation and customization.

Consideration of update history:

  • The frequent updates with new functions suggest an active development process.

In total, Soledad seems feature rich WordPress Theme with a focus on user experience and content presentation. Recent updates demonstrate ongoing efforts to introduce new features, improve compatibility with popular plugins, and address user feedback. It is recommended to explore the official Soledad website to get a comprehensive understanding of its features, pricing (there may be free or premium versions), and suitability for your specific website project.

WordPress Themes shape the way audiences perceive a website. Although there are countless themes out there, finding the perfect combination of versatility, sophistication and functionality can be a challenge. This is where Soledad comes into play, a versatile theme tailored to different needs, from news portals to personal blogs to e-commerce stores.

Overview: The multifaceted charm of Soledad

Soledad WordPress theme zeroed out is a comprehensive solution for those who want to build a unique online presence. Whether you’re starting a niche blog, setting up a news portal, or boosting your eCommerce journey, Soledad promises a seamless experience without compromising on aesthetics or functionality.

Built with a focus on flexibility, Soledad ensures that every website stands out, regardless of its niche or target audience. Its adaptability allows it to adapt to your needs, providing a personal touch that is crucial in today’s crowded digital landscape.


Multipurpose design

Soledad really lives up to its “multi-purpose” label. With over 5,000 demo homepages, users can choose a design that fits their vision, making it suitable for bloggers, journalists, and entrepreneurs alike.

WooCommerce compatibility

For those diving into the world of eCommerce, Soledad’s seamless integration with WooCommerce ensures your store will be up and running in no time. It harmoniously integrates your shop into your website and promises a smooth user journey from browsing to paying.

Optimized for speed

In the digital realm, speed is of the utmost importance. Recognizing this, Soledad is optimized for faster loading times to ensure visitors don’t have to wait and to reduce bounce rates.

Elementor page builder

With the integration of the Elementor Page Builder, even those without a technical background can design impressive pages. The drag-and-drop feature ensures that website creation becomes an enjoyable experience rather than a daunting task.

Dark layout

Keeping up with current design trends, Soledad offers a dark layout option that increases visual appeal and ensures your content stands out, especially on media-rich websites.

AMP support

Mobile users make up a significant portion of the online audience. That’s why Soledad has Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support, ensuring your content loads quickly on mobile devices, improving user experience and search engine optimization.

Dedicated support

Although Soledad is designed to be intuitive to use, its dedicated support team is always available to assist, guide, and resolve issues whenever you encounter any hurdles.

BBPress and BuddyPress integration

For those who want to build a community or start discussions on their website, the theme’s compatibility with BBPress and BuddyPress is a boon.

Ready for translation

Reach a global audience. Soledad is ready to translate, ensuring your content resonates with audiences, regardless of their linguistic background.

Infinite scrolling and AJAX Load more

Improve user interaction with infinite scrolling feature. As users scroll, content loads, so they always have something interesting to engage with.

Conclusion: The Soledad advantage in the world of WordPress themes

Navigating the complex digital landscape requires more than just a robust platform; it requires a trusted ally. Soledad – Multipurpose, Newspaper, Blog and WooCommerce WordPress Theme for Free Download, with its wide range of features and its customization, proves to be that trustworthy ally. Additionally, Soledad adapts as trends evolve and user needs change, ensuring its users are always one step ahead.

One of the outstanding aspects of Soledad is its commitment to encouraging creativity. However, it’s not just about the tools on offer. It’s about how it supports all users, regardless of their expertise. This theme promotes the idea that everyone, regardless of their background, has a compelling story. With the right tools, these narratives can reach and appeal to large audiences.

Additionally, Soledad offers stability in a world where the digital arena is constantly changing. It is constantly updated, ensuring that users not only keep up with trends but also set them frequently. This proactive approach is a big reason for its popularity.

Its design, flexibility and support system make Soledad more than just an issue. It is a gateway to the immense potential that the online world offers. With this theme, users don’t just share content; They create impactful digital narratives.

In summary, choosing a WordPress theme can significantly impact your online presence. With Soledad, this presence is not only amplified; it is transformative. As digital narratives and e-commerce continue to grow, a reliable theme like Soledad is not only smart but also essential for a more successful digital journey.

Update changelog

Update Soledad Version 8.4.7 – March 04, 2024

Fix: Instagram recently changed its API, and we have just made the necessary changes to address issues when connecting to your Instagram account.
Improve: Some minor issues.

Update Soledad Version 8.4.6 – February 29, 2024

Featured Added: Thumbnail video preview on hover featured images. Let’s edit a post and scroll down then you can see this new feature.
Featured Added: 3 new styles for Blockquote. You can check it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Blockquote Style.
Featured Added: 4 new styles for Next/Prev Post Navigation. You can check it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Next/Prev Post Navigation Style. And you should check to “Show Post Thumbnail on Next/Prev Post Navigation” to see the different between styles.
Featured Added: Custom URL after users logged in via Popup: Customize > TopBar > General Settings > Redirect to a custom URL after logging in.
Featured Added: A new plugin “Penci Google Analytics Views” – it’s a plugin to help sync pageview data from Google Analytics to your WordPress. If you want to sync Google Analytics pageview, let’s install this plugin and check the options for it via Customize > Google Analytics Page Views.
Featured Added: New option to order posts based by most viewed posts in 24 hours.
Featured Added: Add copy button for share selection text. You can check this new button via Customize > Single Posts > Share Selection Text.
Featured Added: Option to enable sticky columns for Container from Elementor.
Update: New Google Fonts from Google Fonts Library
Update: Update Woocommerce Templates.
Improve: Some minor issues.

Update Soledad Version 8.4.5 – January 22, 2024

Featured Added: 4 new related posts styles – you can change it via Customize > Single Posts > Related Posts
Featured Added: Sponsored posts options – edit a post then scroll down – you can see the options for sponsored posts.
Featured Added: Make your post content more interesting with new heading styles inside post content – adjust it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Custom Style for Heading 1 Inside Post Content. Then other heading styles there.
Featured Added: New element “Penci Custom Heading” for Block Editor – when write the content by use Block editor ( Gutenberg Editor ), search for element “Penci Custom Heading” and you will see it.
Improve: Some minor issues.

Update Soledad Version 8.4.4 – January 05, 2024

Featured Added: We’ve made enhancements to the sliders to achieve smoother transitions and a more appealing appearance. With 5 new Slider Animation Styles:FadeCoverflowFlipCardsCreativeAnd “Swing” animation style for Carousel Slider.
You can adjust the general slider styles via Customize > General > General Settings and for featured slider via Customize > Featured Slider > General.
Featured Added: A great new Featured Slider Style 39
Featured Added: Float Video Post Format – The video will float in the corner as you scroll down outside the main video at the top. You can enable this feature via Customize > Single Posts > General > Enable Video Floating.
Featured Added: New Sub Menu Style 3 – You can select it via Customize > Logo & Header > Main Bar & Primary Menu > Sub-menu Style
Featured Added: Arrow icon for sub menu has child menu items.
Featured Added: Custom Post Template for Post Formats (Customize > Single Posts > Post Formats Builder )
Improve: We’ve made adjustments to ensure compatibility with the Elementor Header & Footer Builder in our theme. However, we still recommend using our dedicated header & footer builder as it’s better.
Improve: Update WooCommerce Templates.
Improve: Some minor issues.

Update Soledad Version 8.4.3 – November 21, 2023

Featured Added: New widget ”.Soledad Stylisted Articles Count” ( in Appearance > Widgets ) – a great style for highlight the order of posts.
Featured Added: New widget “Penci Stylisted Articles Count” for Elementor & WPBakery.
Featured Added: New widget ”.Soledad Categories Stylist” ( in Appearance > Widgets ) – a great new widget to showing categories on the sidebar in a different way.
Featured Added: Sticky Sharing for Single Post Pages – please check option for it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Turn on the Sticky Share
Featured Added: Share Selection Text – helps the users can selected text & share those text to social media. Please check options for it via Customize > Single Posts > Share Selection Text.
Featured Added: Apply collapse for archive description: in case the archive description text is too long, it will be showing a “read more” button to help users can collapse & expand it.
Improve: Improve the “Advanced Categories” widget & add new option to enable toggle open/close the child terms
Improve: Sync Soledad Custom Fonts into Elementor list fonts
Improve: Update WooCommerce Templates.
Improve: Some minor issues.


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