Free Download Active eCommerce CMS (v8.4 Nulled) + Addons Free Download


Active eCommerce CMS, an eCommerce platform that provides a solution for both store owners and sellers, has a series of updates focused on improving customer experience, seller tools and overall platform functionality (versions 8.3 – 8.4). This review explores these updates and highlights the benefits they offer to online store owners and sellers.

Improved customer experience (v8.4):

  • Version 8.4 introduces a “Guest Checkout” feature that allows customers to purchase products without registering. This can streamline the purchasing process and potentially increase conversion rates.
  • The update also introduces “Frequently Purchased Products” options, allowing sellers to showcase popular product combinations and potentially boost sales.

Empowering Sellers (v8.4):

  • The Frequently Purchased Products feature (v8.4) allows sellers to highlight popular combinations, potentially increasing their sales.
  • The ability to import products in bulk with multiple category options (version 8.4) can streamline adding products for sellers managing large inventory.

Improved admin dashboard and management (v8.3, v8.4):

  • Version 8.3 brings a completely redesigned admin dashboard with a focus on usability. The new layout provides quick access to key metrics such as total sales, customer data and product performance, potentially improving management efficiency.
  • Version 8.4 ensures compatibility with the latest version of the Active eCommerce OTP add-on and potentially increases security for customers and sellers.

Additional features and bug fixes (v8.3, v8.4):

  • Version 8.3 introduces demo data import so users can quickly set up their store with pre-populated content (e.g. “Classic” demo). New demos are promised for the future (v8.3).
  • Version 8.4 adds the option to include date and time filters in product queries, potentially improving product data analysis for store owners.
  • A new “Construction” demo theme is available in version 8.4, aimed at companies in this industry.
  • Important bug fixes are mentioned in both versions (v8.3, v8.4), but details are not provided.

Limited information about core features:

  • The changelog focuses on updates and does not go into detail about the core features of Active eCommerce CMS, such as: B. Product management options, payment gateway integrations, shipping configurations or marketing tools. It is recommended to visit the official website to get a complete overview of the features.

Consideration of update history:

  • With frequent updates that introduce new features, address sellers’ needs, and improve the admin experience, Active eCommerce CMS appears to be in active development. This can be a positive sign for users who value a platform that is constantly being improved and refined.

In total, Active eCommerce CMS offers a compelling package for online store owners and sellers looking for a feature-rich platform. The updates show a focus on improving customer experience, empowering sellers and streamlining store management. If you are looking for an eCommerce platform that focuses on both customer experience and seller tools, Active eCommerce CMS is a strong contender that you can explore further on the official website.

Active eCommerce CMS is a dynamic and versatile content management system (CMS) specifically designed for creating and managing online stores. With its robust features and user-friendly interface Active eCommerce CMS set to zero is the first choice for businesses looking to establish or expand their online retail presence.

In the age of digital commerce, a reliable and efficient online shop is crucial for business success. Active eCommerce CMS meets this need by providing a comprehensive solution for building and managing eCommerce websites. It is designed to be flexible, scalable and user-friendly, making it suitable for both small startups and large companies.

Active eCommerce CMS free download is designed to provide a seamless online shopping experience. Its core strength lies in its simplicity and powerful functionality. The platform supports a wide range of e-commerce activities, from product management to order fulfillment and customer relationship management. With its intuitive design and customizable features, it is an excellent choice for anyone looking to launch a competitive eCommerce website.

Key Features

  • User-friendly control panel: The CMS has an intuitive interface that simplifies website management for store owners, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Product management: Easily manage product listings, including descriptions, images, prices and inventory levels.
  • Order processing: Efficient processing of customer orders, from order placement to execution, with optimized processes.
  • Customer relationship management: Tools to manage customer data, improve customer loyalty and maintain customer relationships.
  • Multiple payment gateways: Integration with various payment gateways enabling secure and flexible payment options for customers.
  • Responsive design: The CMS is optimized for all devices, ensuring a consistent shopping experience on desktops, tablets and smartphones.
  • SEO optimization: Functions that help improve the visibility of the online shop in search engines and thus generate more organic traffic.
  • Marketing tools: Integrated marketing tools for promotions, discounts and email marketing campaigns.
  • Analytics and reporting: Insights into sales, customer behavior and website performance to inform business decisions.
  • Customizable themes: A selection of themes that can be customized to suit the brand’s aesthetic and appeal.
  • Multi-vendor support: The platform supports multi-vendor functionality, allowing multiple sellers to offer their products on a single platform.
  • Security features: Robust security measures to protect sensitive data and transactions.
  • Scalability: The ability to scale as the business grows and handle an increasing number of products and increased traffic volumes.
  • Multilingual support: Support for multiple languages, making it suitable for global e-commerce operations.
  • Integration skills: Compatibility with various third-party apps and services for expanded functionality.

Conclusion: Optimization of digital trading success with Active E-Commerce CMS

Active eCommerce CMS is an important tool in digital commerce. It’s comprehensive, efficient and easy for businesses of all sizes. Its features meet various online retail needs and make it versatile for any online store. The design of the platform is intuitive. It has advanced features that make managing an eCommerce site easy even for those with little technical knowledge.

The flexibility of the system is a major strength. It is suitable for both small startups and large companies. As companies grow, the platform adapts, ensuring consistent performance and user experience.

Active eCommerce CMS integrates SEO tools, marketing functions and analytics. This helps companies attract and retain customers. It provides insights into sales and customer behavior. This enables data-driven decisions that drive growth and customer satisfaction.

Security is also crucial in Active eCommerce CMS. Strong security protocols protect data and transactions. This creates trust among customers and protects the company’s reputation.

Support for multiple languages ​​and providers makes the platform ideal for global e-commerce. It breaks down language and geographical barriers and opens up global markets.

In total, Active eCommerce CMS free download is more than software. It is a way to unlock e-commerce potential. It helps companies easily manage the complexity of digital markets. It is suitable for new ventures or established companies and streamlines operations. It also catalyzes growth and success in the digital age.


version : 8.4 (06/03/2024)

- Guest Checkout : 
    We are introducing “Guest Checkout” to provide your customers a seamless shopping experience. 
    Now your customers can Add products to Cart & Checkout without login/registration.
    If your customer has previous registration they will be logged in with their old account.
- Frequently Brought Product option for admin and seller :
    Introducing our “Frequently Brought Product” collection where customer favorites meet unbeatable value! 
    Dive into a curated selection of items that your customers just can’t get enough of.
    You can select end products or End category for a selected product which will be shown in a “Frequently Brought 
    Products” section.
- Added Multicategory option in Product Bulk Import
- Added Date and Times in Product Queries
- New demo added - Construction
- Compatible with Active eCommerce OTP Add-on version 2.5
- Important Bug Fixing

version : 8.3 (17/01/2024)

- The All New Dashboard : The newly designed Admin Dashboard of Active eCommerce CMS reflects a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics, promising an enhanced user experience for admins. With its intuitive layout and user-friendly interface, managing your online store has never been more efficient.
- Sections in Admin Dashboard :
    Total Customers with Top Customers
    Total Products with In-house Products & Seller’s Products
    Total Category with Top 3 Categories
    Total Brand’s with Top Selling Brands
    Total Sales
    Sales of Running month
    Yearly Sales in graph
    In-house Sales 
    Seller’s Sales
    Total Sellers with Approved Seller & Pending Seller
    Top Sellers
    Total Order with 
    Pending Orders
    Order Placed
    Confirmed Order
    Processed Order
    Order Shipped
    Top Categories by Sales with their Top Products Sorted by Today, Week, Month & All
    Total Sales of In-house Store with
    In-house Products Ratings &
    Total Order
    In-house Top Category by Sales with sale amount sorted by Today, Week, Month & All
    In-house Top Brands by Sales with sale amount sorted by Today, Week, Month & All
- Import Demo Files : Now you can import our exclusive demos directly to your project.
We have added “Classic” for import. Gradually we will add more demos for import.
- New demo added - Sports
- Compatible with Active eCommerce Flutter App version 4.5.0
- Compatible with Active eCommerce OTP Add-on version 2.5
- Important Bug Fixing

version : 8.2 (11/12/2023)

- Welcome Coupon : Introducing “welcome coupon” that you may provide to new customers as a terrific way to get them started purchasing products from your ecommerce site.
- Size Guideline : Now Active eCommerce CMS has a suitable dynamic size guideline method, your eCommerce will be more dependable and practical. 
- Language based Banner : We tuned the system to provide you with the ability to publish advertisements in your native language.
- New login pages :  Having numerous layout of login pages adds new value to your eCommerce company. 
This pages are newly designed in multiple layout
   _ Customer Registration
   _ Customer Login
  _ OTP Verification 
  _ Forgot Password
  _ Admin Login
  _ Seller Login
  _ Delivery boy Login
- New Home page : To regain the uniqueness of your eCommerce site, we are in the process of developing an entirely new homepage. It’s minimal & smart! 
- New demo added - Medicare
- Important instruction implemented in admin panel
- Minor bug fixing and performance improvement


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