Free Download WPForms Pro v1.8.7.2 + All Addons Free Download


WPForms Pro, a popular form builder plugin for WordPress, underwent numerous updates between January and February 2024 (v1.8.6.1 – v1.8.7.2). This review examines the key changes and highlights new features, bug fixes, and improvements designed to improve the user experience.

New features and functions (v1.8.7, v1.8.7.1, v1.8.7.2):

  • Advanced payment processing:
    • Support for product quantity configuration in Single Item and Dropdown Item payment fields (v1.8.7).
    • Integrating the order summary with the Total Payment field to provide users with a purchase summary (v1.8.7).
    • Introduction of the {order_summary} Smart Tag for more payment flexibility (v1.8.7).
  • Improved form design and management:
    • A new Gutenberg option to select page break color (v1.8.7).
    • Expanded subcategories in the template list sidebar for easier navigation (v1.8.7).
    • Location support for form pages and conversation forms (v1.8.7).
    • User-friendly splash screen with key features in new versions (v1.8.7).
    • Reintroduced the custom captcha field, eliminating the need for a separate add-on (v1.8.7).
  • Optimized User Experience:
    • What’s new modal with improved display logic and content (v1.8.7.2, v1.8.7).
    • Announcement block on the community page to stay updated (v1.8.7).
    • Option to discard recommended plugin block in dashboard widget (v1.8.7).

Bug fixes and security improvements (v1.8.6.1 – v1.8.7.2):

  • Extensive bug squashing: A significant number of bugs have been fixed in various features including form submissions, smart tags, field behavior, conditional logic, payment integrations, email templates, mobile responsiveness and more (v1.8.6.1 – v1.8.7.2).
  • Improved Compatibility: Improved compatibility with various themes, plugins, hosting environments and WordPress versions (v1.8.6.1 – v1.8.7.2).
  • Security focus: Strengthened spam protection measures, library updates for better security practices, and improved handling of sensitive information (v1.8.6.1 – v1.8.7.2).

Focus on mobile responsiveness and user interface:

  • The updates fix mobile display issues and ensure that forms and the plugin interface display correctly on different devices (v1.8.6.1 – v1.8.7.2).
  • Improvements have been made to the overall user interface, including visual optimizations and better responsiveness on different screen sizes (v1.8.6.1 – v1.8.7.2).

Limited information about specific fixes:

  • The changelog mentions a large number of bug fixes, but no details about each fix are provided.

In total, WPForms Pro demonstrates a commitment to continuous development and user experience. The updates offer a number of new features, fix numerous bugs, and emphasize security and mobile responsiveness. By introducing features such as product quantity configuration and order summaries, WPForms Pro aims to streamline payment processing for users. Additionally, the focus on a user-friendly interface and mobile optimization makes form creation and management more efficient.

WPForms Pro Nulled is proving to be a game-changer in the digital space, redefining the way we create and manage online forms. Considered one of the most user-friendly yet powerful form builders for WordPress, it simplifies the process of creating beautiful and effective forms. Whether for contact, subscription, payment or feedback, WPForms Pro offers an unrivaled solution.

WPForms Pro pushes the traditional boundaries of form creation. It’s not just about creating forms; It’s about creating seamless interaction between websites and users. Equipped with a wealth of features, WPForms Pro is aimed at businesses, bloggers, developers and e-commerce platforms alike. It is a tool designed to improve user engagement and data collection, making it an essential addition to any WordPress site.

Feature-rich and flexible

  • Drag and drop form builder: WPForms Pro offers a highly intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes form creation a breeze. This feature allows for easy customization without the need for coding.
  • Pre-built form templates: To speed up the form creation process, WPForms Pro offers numerous pre-built templates suitable for various needs and niches.
  • Intelligent conditional logic: This advanced feature allows forms to be modified based on user selection, creating a more personalized and efficient user experience.
  • Instant notifications: Ensure quick response to form submissions with instant email notifications, keeping you connected to your audience.
  • Multi-page forms: For longer forms, WPForms Pro allows you to split them into multiple pages, improving user experience and reducing abandonment rates.
  • File uploads: Users can easily upload files through forms, facilitating efficient data and information collection.
  • User registration and login forms: Streamline user registration and login processes with dedicated forms, improving user engagement and website functionality.
  • Spam protection: By using intelligent CAPTCHA and honeypot methods, WPForms Pro effectively fights spam and ensures the integrity of form submissions.
  • Payment integrations: By integrating with PayPal, Stripe, and other payment processors, WPForms Pro enables seamless transaction forms, perfect for donations or online orders.
  • Email marketing integration: Seamlessly connect with email marketing services like Mailchimp, AWeber, and GetResponse for effective lead generation and audience building.
  • Responsive design: The forms created are fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices.
  • Entry management: WPForms Pro provides a streamlined interface to view and manage all form entries, making data processing more organized and accessible.
  • Postal Submissions: Users can submit content directly through forms, which can then be reviewed and published, ideal for guest posts or user-generated content platforms.

More great features

  • Signature function: This unique feature allows users to add signatures to forms that are essential to contracts or agreements.
  • Form abandonment feature: Capture partial forms from forms to enable tracking and potentially increase conversion rates.
  • Customizable confirmation messages: Personalize confirmation messages upon form submission to improve user experience.
  • Advanced fields: WPForms Pro includes advanced fields such as date/time picker, custom HTML, and password fields to meet different form needs.
  • Geolocation data: Collect and store geolocation data from users filling out forms, useful for analytics and targeted marketing.
  • Addon for polls and surveys: Easily create polls and surveys with WPForms Pro and collect valuable insights and feedback from users.
  • Zapier integration: Connect to 2,000+ web apps with Zapier and automate workflows and data sharing.
  • Rich text fields: Allow users to format their responses in forms with rich text fields, adding depth to the data collected.
  • Form locker: Control form access and permissions and ensure forms are completed by the intended audience.
  • Offline forms: Enable form submission even if the user’s internet connection is unstable or offline.
  • Conversation form add-on: Transform traditional forms into interactive, conversational interfaces to make form filling more engaging.
  • Form template package add-on: Access an expanded library of form templates tailored to niche-specific needs.
  • User journey reporting: Track the user journey before form submission and gain insights into user behavior and form effectiveness.

Conclusion: WPForms Pro – The ultimate form creation solution

Essentially, WPForms Pro Free Download is a comprehensive solution for any WordPress website that wants to create beautiful, effective and intuitive forms. Its combination of ease of use, advanced functionality, and versatility makes it an essential tool for improving user interaction, data collection, and overall website efficiency. Whether you are a small business, a blogger, an e-commerce platform, or a large corporation, this plugin equips you with all the necessary tools to create forms that meet your specific needs. Harness the power of WPForms Pro and transform the way you interact with your audience.

changelog (2024-02-29)

Changed: "What's New" modal should be displayed based on the major version of the plugin.
Changed: Improved Akismet integration efficiency.
Fixed: Antispam token was passed as a simple form field, not protected from spam bots.
Fixed: PHP warning was thrown in case of anonymous form submission when User ID smart tag was used.
Fixed: Image positioning in the "What's New" blocks wasn't always correct.
Fixed: The recommended plugin block in the Dashboard widget could not be dismissed.
Fixed: Modal windows were not displayed on small screens.
Fixed: The animation for opening the "What's New" modal worked improperly when the modal had small content.
Fixed: The background was not entirely dimmed when scrolling the "What's New" popup. (2024-02-22)

Fixed: The form submission was not working if the customer used a snippet for the phone field.
Fixed: The form submission triggered an error on sites with long-term page caching.
Fixed: Page URL smart tag value was incorrect in some cases.

1.8.7 (2024-02-20)

Added: Product Quantity can now be configured for Single Item and Dropdown Items payment fields!
Added: A new Gutenberg option for selecting Page Break color.
Added: The Announcements block in the Community page.
Added: New way to expand the Form Templates subcategories in the templates list sidebar.
Added: Support for locations of Form Pages and Conversational Forms.
Added: New splash screen outlining notable features and changes in the release.
Added: The user can see an overview of what they are purchasing by enabling the Order Summary for the Total payment field.
Added: New {order_summary} smart tag.
Changed: Improved compatibility with Twenty Twenty-Three theme.
Changed: Improved plugin activation on WordPress multisite setups with both Lite and Pro versions installed.
Changed: Improved support of sites hosted in the Azure platform using IIS.
Changed: Updated DOMPurify library to 3.0.8.
Changed: Removed jquery-confirm library in favor of jQuery.Confirm Reloaded drop-in replacement.
Changed: Spam protection token is valid now for 3 days instead of 2.
Changed: Spam protection token is no longer loaded with JS to avoid fails caused by script errors.
Changed: Storing spam entries is now enabled by default for new forms.
Changed: Users with limited capabilities are allowed to view the Forms Templates and Addons pages.
Changed: The Custom Captcha field is now available and the respective addon is no longer needed.
Changed: Updated intl-tel-input library to v19.2.16.
Changed: Updated tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-style library to v2.2.7.
Changed: Updated symphony/polyfill-iconv library to v1.19.0.
Changed: Updated symphony/polyfill-mbstring library to v1.19.0.
Changed: Updated woocommerce/action-scheduler library to v3.7.1.
Changed: Updated stripe/stripe-php library to v13.9.0.
Fixed: Some background actions could fail if triggered by WP-CLI via server cron.
Fixed: Checkbox fields with Dynamic Choices were exported incorrectly if the labels were previously modified.
Fixed: Items of the unordered list in the Entry Note had no bullets.
Fixed: Limit Length validation was working incorrectly for the Paragraph Text field if the field display was managed by Conditional Logic.
Fixed: Fatal error may occur in rare cases during migrations if they were triggered manually.
Fixed: Read-only Number fields should not display spin buttons.
Fixed: The File Upload field was incorrectly displayed when placed within the Layout field.
Fixed: The Icons Choices field with a Large size was not centered in the Block Editor and Elementor.
Fixed: Rich Text field menu elements were visible through the Phone field's dropdown menu.
Fixed: Two messages appeared when clicking on the reCAPTCHA field after searching the fields in the Builder.
Fixed: Tables in emails were visually broken on mobile phones when the Compact email template was used.
Fixed: A form with a long title expanded the form selector dropdown in the Block Editor.
Fixed: The entry modification date was presented with a doubled timezone offset.
Fixed: Some payment-related elements were aligned to the left when a right-to-left language was used.
Fixed: Rich Text was displayed incorrectly when using Elementor after the Block Editor.
Fixed: The long field names were breaking the Entries List Table layout.
Fixed: CSS Styles were not applied if Global Colors were already selected in Elementor Builder.
Fixed: Signature field background color was incorrect in the Block Editor with Modern markup.
Fixed: Payment method details were not stored for Stripe renewals.
Fixed: In some cases, transients were not deleted on entry deletion.
Fixed: The template page had style issues in the German language.
Fixed: The Elementor popup preview had broken WPForms styles.
Fixed: Forcing the license key refresh worked with significant delay due to caching.
Fixed: In some situations, payment amounts were improperly sanitized.
Fixed: Some modals across the admin area were not responsive and did not fit on smaller screen sizes.
Fixed: Currency symbol could wrap into the next line on the Entries Overview page.
Fixed: Templates' cache wasn't updated after the plugin update.
Fixed: RTL support for WPForms Settings page.
Fixed: RTL support for the Form Builder.
Fixed: Some frontend fields were improperly rendered for RTL.
Fixed: The user interface had different other issues when RTL language was in use.
Fixed: The Form Builder settings screen had multiple visual issues when RTL language was used.
Fixed: The PayPal button was overlapped by modern Dropdown items.
Fixed: AJAX calls didn't work on servers with empty $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] value.
Fixed: PHP warning was thrown in rare cases when using a certain template with conditional logic and Save and Resume functionality.
Fixed: Improved Entries overview page display on mobile devices.
Fixed: Improved Forms overview page display on mobile devices.
Fixed: Improved Tools pages display on mobile devices.
Fixed: Custom Captcha settings were duplicated on the Form Builder when the field was added through the Settings > Spam and Security screen.
Fixed: Jetpack has been adding its custom buttons to the Content Field editor.
Fixed: Localization issues were present on the Get Started screen.
Fixed: Selected values were not displayed on the entry view and print pages if custom values were enabled via wpforms_fields_show_options_setting filter.
Fixed: Rich Text field was not rendered properly in the Elementor popup.
Fixed: Subscriptions made by the Stripe Link payment method before 1.8.6.
Fixed: Some non-optimized MySQL requests locked the database for seconds on huge sites with thousands of tables.
Fixed: The Appearance of multiple dropdown values was incorrect.
Fixed: Some information was missing if Smart Tags were processed in the background via cron.
Fixed: The recent Chrome version for Windows was not displaying the custom scrollbars correctly.
Fixed: Payment fields were missing from the search filter on the Entries Export.
Fixed: wpforms_plaintext_field_value filter was unavailable since 1.8.5 version.
Fixed: Images inside the Content field were incorrectly overlapping other fields in the Single Entry Page.
Fixed: Date Range filter for Entries Export could stop working after resetting the filter if the previous search returned no results.
Fixed: The HTML field had incorrect spacing in the Single Entry Page. (2024-01-31)

Fixed: Term notice was removed under the Stripe Credit Card field when Payment Elements were used.
Fixed: An additional spinner appeared when the Setup panel button was clicked again.
Fixed: The first year in date dropdown has been set to 1 year ahead.
Fixed: Overflow of `img`, `video`, `canvas` and `svg` tags has been set to `clip` by default, as recommended by Google PageSpeed Insights. (2024-01-19)

Fixed: The Name field was not clickable with Classic Markup and Base Styles. (2024-01-16)

Fixed: PHP warning was thrown for legacy subscription Stripe payment form.
Fixed: PHP warning was thrown while connecting the Jetpack plugin account.
Fixed: The layout of some fields was broken on the Entry Edit page.
Fixed: Likert Scale with single-row rating scale were exported incorrectly. (2024-01-10)

A fatal error was thrown in rare cases when running background jobs due to a conflict with some 3rd-party plugins.
An Error Handler was throwing a TypeError in some rare cases.


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