Free Download WP Media Folder (v5.8.3 Nulled) + Cloud addon v3.7.9 + Gallery addon v2.5.11


WP Media Folder, a popular one WordPress The plugin, designed to help you manage your media library more efficiently, released a series of updates in January 2024 (versions 5.7.3 – 5.8.3). While these updates may not introduce groundbreaking new features, they focus on fixing bugs, improving compatibility with popular page builders and caching plugins, and improving security.

Here’s a breakdown of the key improvements from these updates:

Extended functionality and compatibility (v5.8.2 – v5.8.3):

  • Divi Builder integration fix: Fixed an issue affecting the gallery option in the Divi page builder.
  • WP Rocket compatibility fix: The update ensures that lazy loading of gallery images works properly even when using the WP Rocket caching plugin.
  • Improved file renaming: The “Rename file with timestamp” option now works as intended.

New features and security (v5.8.1 – v5.8.2):

  • Amazon S3 integration: You can now upload cloud storage management folders directly to your Amazon S3 storage bucket (v5.8.2).
  • Media Access Control: Folder permissions have been improved to ensure users only access media based on their assigned permissions (v5.8.2).
  • Security improvement: The update contains the current_user_can() Function to strengthen security measures within the plugin functionalities (v5.7.3).

Improved workflow management (v5.8.1):

  • Export and import media folders: With this update you can easily export and import your media folder structure for better organization and backup purposes (v5.8.1).
  • Customizable image links: You can now define custom links and link targets for images in your WP Media Folder galleries (v5.8.1).
  • Fixing duplicate images: Fixed an issue that caused image duplication during server folder synchronization (v5.8.1).

Additional fixes (v5.7.4):

  • Correction of export selection: The update fixes an issue that prevented export of selected folders and media files (v5.7.4).
  • Troubleshooting overwriting file uploads: The plugin now works correctly when uploading overwrites existing files with the physical folder option (v5.7.4).

In total, The January 2024 updates to WP Media Folder demonstrate the plugin’s commitment to providing a secure, easy-to-use, and feature-rich solution for managing your WordPress media library. By solving compatibility issues, introducing new features like cloud storage integration and custom image links, and prioritizing security, WP Media Folder allows you to streamline your media management workflow and manage a well-organized media library.

Navigating the digital content management landscape, especially within WordPress, requires tools that not only streamline operations but also improve the user experience. WP media folder set to zero, a product from JoomUnited, is a game-changer in managing media files on WordPress sites. Through an unprecedented level of organization and efficiency, it transforms the once daunting task of media management into a seamless, intuitive process.

WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system, is valued for its flexibility and user-friendly interface. However, dealing with a variety of media files has always been a problem for many users, from bloggers to e-commerce site managers. Enter the WP media folder. This unique plugin improves the media management experience and better matches the intuitiveness that users expect from modern digital tools.

WP Media Folder serves as a bridge between the traditional WordPress media library and a more organized, folder-based approach reminiscent of your computer’s file system. Users no longer have to search through thousands of files. This plugin makes categorizing, accessing, and managing media files as easy as drag-and-drop.


Folder based system

WP Media Folder allows you to organize your media files into folders and subfolders, mimicking the simplicity of traditional computer file systems. This hierarchical structure brings clarity and order to your WordPress media library.

Drag and drop interface

True to its promise of improving user experience, the plugin offers a drag-and-drop interface. Moving files and folders is just as intuitive as dragging them to the desired location.

Beyond individual files, the plugin shines in gallery management. You can create, manage and embed galleries directly from the media library and seamlessly integrate them into your posts.

Cloud integration

At a time when cloud storage solutions like Google Drive and Dropbox are crucial, WP Media Folder isn’t left behind. It offers direct integrations so users can sync and manage their cloud files from the WordPress dashboard.

Filter and search options

With advanced filtering and search features, finding a specific file becomes child’s play. Users can search by file type, size, or custom criteria, ensuring they find what they’re looking for in seconds.

SEO friendly

Understanding the importance of SEO, WP Media Folder allows users to set up automatic renaming patterns and alt text for files, thereby increasing the SEO score of your media files.

Third-party integrations

The plugin is not limited to just the core functions of WordPress. It extends its features by integrating with third-party plugins such as WooCommerce, increasing usability in various WordPress setups.

Regular updates

To keep pace with the evolving digital landscape, the plugin is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions and incorporate user feedback for continuous improvement.

WP Media Folder is more than just a plugin; It’s a clear solution to longstanding WordPress challenges. It changes the task of media management and creates a more organized space for users. His strength? Simplicity. The plugin reflects systems we are familiar with and fits effortlessly into WordPress. From bloggers to e-commerce giants, it promises a tidy media library and smoother content processes.

At its core, the WP Media Folder free download represents a shift in digital thinking. The growing digital world values ​​content and makes tools like this essential. With its extensive features, user-friendly interactions, and ongoing updates, this plugin is the first choice for every WordPress user.

Changelog to WP Media Folder

Version 5.8.3

Fix Gallery option in Divi builder
Fix Lazyload gallery image does not work with WP Rocket
Fix Rename file with timestamp option

Version 5.8.2

 Upload folder to Amazon S3
 Folder permissions when using media access by user

Version 5.8.1

 Export & import media folder
 Custom link and target of image in WP Media Folder gallery
 Duplicate image when use sync server folder


Version 5.8.0

Add Default featured image option for new post

Version 5.7.4

Fix Export selection folder and media
Fix Override file when upload file (use physical folder)

Version 5.7.3

Fix Security: added current_user_can() to some functions to check authorization


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