Free Download (v7.1.27) Piotnet Addons For Elementor Pro [PAFE] Free Download


Piotnet Addons for Elementor Pro could be the missing piece. This add-on package equips you with a range of features to design user-friendly forms, streamline workflows and process payments securely. Let’s explore the latest updates (from December 6, 2023 to March 2024) and see what Piotnet Addons for Elementor Pro has to offer.

Advanced form functionality (multiple versions):

  • Dynamic Tags for Repeater Triggers (v7.1.26 – March 2024): A new “Repeater ID Dynamic Tag” in the PAFE Forms Builder Repeater Trigger allows you to create more dynamic forms with conditional logic based on repeater IDs.
  • Webhook refinement (v7.1.25 – January 26, 2024): A fix ensures that webhooks no longer send duplicate values ​​in form abandonment notifications.
  • WooCommerce Conditional Checkout Ad (v7.1.25 – January 26, 2024): You can now hide Piotnet Addon’s WooCommerce Checkout functionality for specific post types for better control over checkout placement.
  • Improved field options (multiple versions): Piotnet Addons introduces the ability to send data by label in selected autocomplete fields (v7.1.25 – January 26, 2024) and incremental increase/decrease buttons for number fields (v7.1.21 – December 20, 2023).

Seamless payment processing (multiple versions):

  • Razorpay integration fix (v7.1.25 – January 26, 2024): Fixed an error notification issue caused by similarly named controls within the Razor Pay integration.
  • Stripe integration improvements (v7.1.23 – December 29, 2023 & v7.1.21 – December 20, 2023): Fixes address issues with the receipt email and payment description functionality within the Stripe integration. Additionally, support for 3D Secure cards has been added for greater security (v7.1.21 – December 20, 2023).

Bug fixes and user experience improvements (multiple versions):

  • Bug Report Updates (v7.1.21 – December 20, 2023): Stripe error messages are now pulled directly from Stripe to improve clarity when payments fail.
  • API Key Visibility Control (v7.1.21 – December 20, 2023): A fix ensures that API keys remain hidden on the settings page for security reasons.
  • File upload and email improvements (multiple versions): Fixes for file upload fields (v7.1.19 – December 6, 2023) and the ability to add images to emails (v7.1.19 – December 6, 2023) improve form functionality.
  • Custom CSS and Live Preview (v7.1.18 & v7.1.17 – November): Fixes for custom CSS functionality (v7.1.18 – November 28, 2023) and live preview compatibility with TinyMCE fields (v7.1.17 – November 20, 2023) ensure a smoother design workflow.
  • Multi-step form navigation bug fix (v7.1.17 – November 20, 2023): An issue that prevents the Next button from working correctly in multi-step forms with certain term selection fields has been fixed.

Piotnet Addons for Elementor Pro goes beyond simple form creation to provide a powerful suite of tools for designing user-friendly forms, streamlining workflows, and processing payments securely. From dynamic tags and conditional logic to improved payment processing and bug fixes, this add-on package allows you to create a more efficient and secure forms experience for your users.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Piotnet Addons for Elementor Pro offers a variety of features to improve form creation and payment processing.
  • The add-on package prioritizes security with fixes for API key visibility and improved error message clarity.
  • Recent updates focus on bug fixes, improved field options, and new features like dynamic tags for repeater triggers.

Elementor, a leading WordPress Page Builder has changed the way designers and developers build websites. The drag-and-drop interface, combined with a variety of widgets, has made website design easier and more intuitive. But for those who want to expand their creative horizons, plugins like Piotnet addons for Elementor Pro [PAFE] Free download come into the game. This plugin doesn’t just serve as an add-on; It’s a powerhouse that loads Elementor with features that take your website building experience to a whole new level. In this guide, we’ll delve into the wonder of Piotnet addons for Elementor Pro.


Piotnet addons for Elementor Pro [PAFE] Set to zero, often referred to as a game changer, offers unique features that are difficult to find in other plugins. It is designed to improve functionality, enrich user experience and enable website creators to create sophisticated designs without any coding effort. But what really sets it apart? Let’s unpack its features.


  1. Scroll box with custom scroll bar: Gone are the days of being limited to standard browser scrollbars. With this feature, designers can now design the scrollbar to fit the overall aesthetic of the website. This not only increases visual appeal but also ensures that users have a consistent browsing experience.
  2. Section and column linking: An often overlooked but crucial design aspect is the ability to link to specific sections or columns on a page. This feature is invaluable, especially for one-page websites or landing pages where users may need to quickly jump to specific sections.
  3. Conditional visibility: Show or hide specific items based on user actions or conditions. This feature can be very useful for e-commerce sites where you may want to show certain promotions only to logged in users or hide certain content based on geographic locations.
  4. Piotnet Form Builder: The crown jewel of Piotnet addons free download, the Form Builder, is the feature that has won the hearts of many. It’s not just any form builder; It is a tool that allows you to design dynamic forms based on user input. The ability to integrate conditional logic and calculations allows users to get real-time price estimates. For example, if you run an e-commerce website or a service business, this feature can be crucial. Users get the convenience of understanding the exact pricing based on their selection. Additionally, the multi-step form feature ensures that you don’t overwhelm your users with too much information at once. And as if that wasn’t enough, integrating payment options directly into the form simplifies the checkout or payment process.

Piotnet add-ons set to zero undoubtedly shines brightly. Its features, especially the Piotnet Form Builder, make it a valuable asset to any website builder. Whether you want to improve the user experience with a custom scrollbar, aim for more efficient navigation through section links, or want to create dynamic forms that resonate with your users, this plugin has you covered. Investing in Piotnet addons for Elementor Pro isn’t just about adding more tools to your toolbox; It’s about improving the overall website building experience. And in today’s digital age where user experience is paramount, such plugins are more than just an add-on; they become a necessity.

[PRO] 7.1.26 (2024/03/)

[PRO] 7.1.25 (01/26/2024)

  • Added: Dynamic tag for the repeater ID in the PAFE Forms Builder repeater trigger
  • Firmly: Webhook sends duplicate value on form abandonment
  • Added: Option to hide Piotnet Addons WooCommerce Checkout in post type
  • Firmly: Razor Pay integration error notification caused by control of the same name
  • Added: Submit data by label in Select Auto-Filled Field.
  • Firmly: Empty URL during file upload: If the file name contains “spaces”, the URL of the attached file would be empty

[PRO] 7.1.23 (December 29, 2023)

  • Firmly: Stripe integration: reception_email not working properly
  • Firmly: Stripe integration: Payment description not working properly

[PRO] 7.1.21 (20.12.2023)

  • Added: Increase/Decrease Gradually button in the Number field.
  • Added: Allow the page created by a new custom post type to be used by WooCommerce as a checkout page. Check the “Piotnet Addons WooCommerce Checkout” metabox to activate it
  • Updated: Error message from Stripe – received error message directly from Stripe for incorrect payments
  • Added: 3D secure card for Stripe payment
  • Firmly: Code error when select field is empty in WooCommerce Checkout
  • Firmly: Failed to hide API keys on settings page

[PRO] 7.1.19 (2023/12/06)

  • Firmly: File upload field
  • Added: Option to add images to email/email 2

[PRO] 7.1.18 (28.11.2023)

  • Firmly: Custom CSS from PAFE

[PRO] 7.1.17 (20.11.2023)

  • Added: Paypal Payment Description Shortcode – Customized shortcode field for Paypal description
  • Added: Custom CSS
  • Firmly: Live preview does not work properly with TinyMCE field type
  • Added: Select the autocomplete field style controls added in the Style Tab Editor
  • Firmly: The Next button in Multi-Step does not work if a field is present as a term selector and required in a particular step.


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