Free Download TranslatePress Pro 2.7.3 Nulled + Business v1.3.8 Free Download


TranslatePress, a popular one WordPress The translation plugin, offered in free and pro versions (TranslatePress Pro and TranslatePress Business/Developer), has a number of updates addressing various aspects of user experience, security and compatibility (versions 2.6.7 – 2.7 .3, 1.3.6 – 1.3). .8th). This review will explore these updates and highlight the benefits they offer to website owners and managers looking to translate their websites.

Improved translation management (all versions):

  • TranslatePress Pro (v2.7.3) improves the accuracy of automatic translation character counting for better management of daily translation limits. It also provides insights into the use of automatic translations through marketing opt-in features.
  • TranslatePress Pro (v2.7.0) improves error handling and management and potentially simplifies error resolution processes.

Improved user experience (all versions):

  • TranslatePress Pro (v2.7.2, v2.7.1) fixes minor UI issues and resolves an issue with the save translation confirmation message. These corrections can optimize the translation workflow.
  • TranslatePress Pro (v2.7.0) provides a new feature that displays the translation percentage for the current page in the translation editor and may support progress tracking.
  • TranslatePress Business/Developer (v1.3.8) adds a Translate Website sidebar button for translator accounts, making translation tasks easier to access.

Security and Compatibility (all versions):

  • All updates (v2.7.1, v2.6.8, v1.3.6) focus on security. These updates address potential security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues with other plugins.
  • TranslatePress Pro (v2.6.9) shows compatibility with WooCommerce product filters.
  • TranslatePress Pro (v2.6.8) and TranslatePress Business/Developer (v1.3.7, v1.3.6) fix compatibility issues with various plugins and themes.

Focus on SEO (TranslatePress Business/Developer):

  • TranslatePress Business/Developer (v1.3.8) extends SEO functionality with support for translating additional meta tags (article:section and article:tag).

Limited information about core features:

  • The changelogs focus on updates and do not go into detail about the core features of TranslatePress Pro or TranslatePress Business/Developer. It is recommended to visit the official TranslatePress website to get a complete overview of features such as automatic translation, translation editor, language switcher, and SEO optimization.

Consideration of update history:

  • With regular updates on user experience, security, compatibility, and SEO, both TranslatePress Pro and TranslatePress Business/Developer appear to be in active development. This can be a positive sign for users who value a plugin that is constantly being improved and refined.

In total, TranslatePress offers a compelling solution for website translation, with Pro and Business/Developer versions tailored to different needs. The updates demonstrate a commitment to user experience, security, compatibility and SEO. If you are looking for an easy-to-use and secure translation plugin with continuous improvements, TranslatePress is a strong contender that you can explore further on the official website.

The digital space is vast and includes users from different cultural backgrounds and languages. As companies and websites aim to appeal to this global audience, the importance of multilingual content is skyrocketing. TranslatePress Pro set to zero The plugin proves to be a leader in this field and offers an intuitive solution for website translation. Designed to overcome language barriers, it integrates seamlessly with WordPress to give site owners the tools they need for comprehensive multilingual functionality.

TranslatePress Pro: Bridging the language gap

TranslatePress Pro is more than just a translation plugin; It is a comprehensive system designed to enrich users’ experience by providing content in their native language. Recognizing the growing need for websites designed to appeal to international users, TranslatePress Pro takes a straightforward approach that eliminates the technical details usually associated with website translation. The plugin’s potential lies in its ability to transform any WordPress website into a multilingual platform without the hassle of code or third-party services.

Unprecedented features

Seamless live translation

The beauty of TranslatePress Pro is the live translation feature. Users can see the translation in real time, ensuring accuracy and context. The front-end live preview enables instant edits and provides an interactive translation experience.

Support for multiple languages

Whether European languages ​​such as French and German or Asian dialects such as Chinese and Japanese, with this plugin you are well equipped. It supports a variety of languages, ensuring global reach.

Translator accounts

You can now create translator accounts so professionals can translate content without granting full administrative rights. This ensures the integrity of the content while facilitating professional translation.

Automated translation integration

While manual translation guarantees accuracy, TranslatePress Pro also integrates with Google Translate and DeepL, ensuring faster initial translations that can then be refined manually.

SEO friendly

TranslatePress Pro understands the importance of SEO for multilingual websites and ensures that translated versions of your website are SEO friendly. Compatibility with SEO plugins and translated metadata ensures your content ranks well regardless of language.

Customizable language switcher

The customizable language switcher allows users to switch between languages ​​effortlessly. Place it in menus, as a shortcode, or even as a floating dropdown menu and improve the user experience.

Shortcode support

With shortcode support, dynamic translation becomes child’s play. Whether they are forms, tables, or other dynamic elements, TranslatePress Pro handles them with finesse.

WooCommerce integration

E-commerce platforms can benefit tremendously because TranslatePress Pro integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce. Easily translate products, categories and checkout pages.

Content translation

It’s not just about pages and posts. TranslatePress goes deeper and translates slugs, captions, and even content from themes and plugins.

Automatic user language detection

Improve user experience by presenting content in preferred language. The plugin detects users’ language preferences and serves content accordingly.

Conclusion: The global language of success with TranslatePress Pro

At a time when the world is a global village, linguistic diversity must not be an obstacle. The success of a website is measured not only by its design or content, but also by its ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience. TranslatePress Pro free download embodies this principle and offers a complete solution for multilingual WordPress sites.

Its wide feature set and intuitive design make it the essential plugin for any website that wants to reach a global audience. The emphasis on both manual and automated translation ensures that content remains accurate and contextually relevant.

Essentially, TranslatePress Pro isn’t just about translating words; It’s about translating visions, ideas and companies into any language. It’s about ensuring that every user, regardless of their language, feels at home on your website. As companies expand into global markets, TranslatePress Pro is the ally they need to ensure their voice resonates across borders. Experience the future of digital communication with TranslatePress, where the world becomes your audience.


Improved automatic translation character count to better enforce enforce daily limit
When Marketing opt-in feature is enabled, automatic translation usage is included in the non-sensitive diagnostic tracking data
Added support for translating more meta tags


Fixed translation saved confirmation message in the Translation Editor
Fixed CSS issue in Advanced settings
Fixed notice in TranslatePress settings


Fixed potential security issue in the language switcher
Fixed floating language switcher appearance when displaying only flags on sites with many languages
Minor UI tweaks in TranslatePress settings


Fixed issue with Exclude only certain paths advanced option on subfolder path installs
Improved Error Manager by outputting the entire failed query
Improved SQL error handling in trp-ajax calls


Added compatibility with WooCommerce Product Filters by barn2


Fixed relative urls with anchor links on translated pages
Fixed searching in translated languages on sites with specific plugins combination


Added new feature that displays translation percentage for current page in Translation Editor
Added RSS Feed support for translating title, content and excerpt
Added support for Duplicate Page plugin resolving post slug translation conflict
Added compatibility with Fluent Forms
Added compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings plugin
Added WP Webhooks Automator under recommended plugins
Fixed deprecated warning in PHP 8.1
TranslatePress Business/Developer Changelog


SEO Pack: Added support for translating article:section and article:tag meta tags
Automatic User Language Detection: Updated Geo IP database to 20240305 version


Translator Accounts: Added Translate Site sidebar button in WP Dashboard for Translator accounts
Automatic User Language Detection: Updated Geo IP database to 20231208 version


SEO Pack: Fixed compatibility issue with ACF where translated CPT base slug would lead to 404 pages


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